Darrow Miller and Friends

LifeWork Arrival and MondayChurch.org Official Launch!

Buy LifeWorkFinally, Darrow Miller’s new book is available for purchase and immediate shipment! Through August 31st, you have the opportunity to buy this book at a deep discount of $8.95. Anyone who desires the Church’s deeper impact in all areas of society should own, study, and share this book.

In addition to the long-awaited book, comes MondayChurch.org and many free downloadable resources, including a chapter-by-chapter study guide for the book, a LifeWork small group Bible study, a resource titled “Discover Your Calling” which is perfect for young people and those in work transitions, vocation-specific studies/resources, and much more.  You can watch an introduction and overview of Monday Church.org here: [vodpod id=ExternalVideo.864665&w=425&h=350&fv=]

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