Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: India

Total 9 Posts

THE SOURCE of Transformation: An Indian Testimony

One of the people who most influenced the writing of my first book, Discipling Nations, was my Indian friend, Vishal Mangalwadi. Vishal, founder of The Revelation Movement, is an international lecturer, social reformer, cultural and political columnist, philosopher, and author. Vishal and his wife, Ruth, wrote The Legacy of William Carey,

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Spiritual Vaccuum Leads to Embrace of Premodern Religions

As Europe and America have become post Christian, they have turned to Modernism – Secularism. As they have come to experience the spiritual void of Atheistic-Materialism, they become Post-Modern. And what is Post-Modernism? Unfortunately, there has not been a return to Christ and the powerful Judeo-Christian worldview that was at

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