School vs. education. Do you know the difference? Many young people who are thinking about college need to understand the difference between school vs. education. Many parents need to consider whether their childrens’ schooling is getting in the way of their education. Because your schooling can actually interfere with your
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This is post 11 of 18 in the series “classics” Not Every Story is Based in Reality How Homosexuality Became Normal in the West How Evolutionists Explain Poverty Lies Enslave, Truth Transforms Human Evil, Cosmic Consequences NURTURING: The Wonder of Being There Personal God, Personal Creation The Implications of Moral
Was J. Gresham Machen prophetic when he spoke of state-sponsored education? Our most popular blog post is titled “School vs Education: The Difference Matters.” Obviously many readers of Darrow Miller and Friends have a keen interest in education. Recently I came across a quote on state-sponsored education from theologian J.
This is post 1 of 1 in the series “education” a compilation of writings from Darrow Miller, Elizabeth Youmans, Christian Overman and Robert Osburn Jr. By far the most widely read of all our blogs is School vs. Education: The Difference Matters. Now Canadian essayist and poet David Solway has
This is post 6 of 9 in the series “Narratives” Scott Allen explores the problem of how narratives have steadily replaced truth in Western society. What’s Wrong With a Story? The Destructive Power of Narrative: An Example from American History Why Narratives Have Become Pervasive Farewell, Justice: The Corrosion of
This is post 4 of 5 in the series “Harvard's erosion” VERITAS – The Puritan Pursuit of Truth The Atheists Who Honored the Bible The HARVARD WALL that Exposes the Modernist Rewrite of History SEMINARY: Education or Religious Schooling? part 1 No More Puritans at Harvard? Seminary training, for the most
Our good friend Nancy R. Pearcey is editor-at-large of The Pearcey Report. She is also scholar in residence and professor at Houston Baptist University, where she serves as director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture. She is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Nancy gave us permission to reprint the
This is post 2 of 6 in the series “Discipling Nations critique and response” Discipling Nations: A Critique and Response, 1 of 6 Discipling Nations: A Critique and Response, 2 of 6 Discipling Nations: A Critique and Response, 3 of 6 Discipling Nations: A Critique and Response, 4 of 6
This is post 5 of 6 in the series “Education in the Coronavirus age” What Has the Coronavirus Done to Our Schools? The Erosion of Higher Education A Virus Worse Than Covid-19 Children: Bullseye of Comprehensive Sexuality Education Parents or the State: Who Owns the Children? Education in the Coronavirus:
I am thankful for the continued strong interest in the Darrow Miller and Friends blog. Your readership is a gift never to be taken for granted. The demands on my time have necessitated what we hope will be a temporary change in the frequency of posts at Darrow Miller and