Karl Marx There are no atheists, only idolaters. As is the custom at our Sunday worship, we recite the Nicene Creed – a statement of the orthodox faith crafted by early church fathers. The opening lines confess that We believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and
Tag: Atheism
Recently a good friend challenged me to re-formulate my basic worldview categories. He had been reading James Anderson’s book, What’s Your Worldview and liked Anderson’s four basic categories. He suggested I adopt this framework. His suggestion prompted this reflection. My own worldview journey began with Francis Schaeffer at L’Abri Fellowship
Fundamentalist atheism will not stop at anything to destroy the natural family and the church. With this ideology marching virtually unimpeded through society today, what is the Christian to do? As we have written before, atheists in the past affirmed reason. They simply asked for a level playing field to discuss
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “jihadists or atheists” Jihadists or New Atheists: Which the Bigger Threat to Religious Freedom? Jihadists or Atheists: Which the Bigger Threat to Religious Freedom? part 2 In part 1 we suggested that religious freedom is under assault by the new atheists.
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “jihadists or atheists” Jihadists or New Atheists: Which the Bigger Threat to Religious Freedom? Jihadists or Atheists: Which the Bigger Threat to Religious Freedom? part 2 We are witnessing an oppressive assault on religious freedom both here and abroad. The attack
“The culture war isn’t really about culture, and it never has been. It’s about sex.” That’s Damon Linker’s provocative claim in his article, “What religious traditionalists can teach us about sex.” Linker’s statement caught my attention. My initial reaction was Yes! But on thinking further I thought No! And finally I decided, Yes
Charles Darwin would probably be surprised by today’s claims of “settled science.” In Canada the issue of so-called same-sex “marriage” is “settled” and any questioning is considered “hate speech,” putting a damper on the freedom of speech. (For the story on this see Same-Sex Marriage Ten Years On: Lessons from Canada.)
Recently we published a post, “Take It From the Darwinists: “We Deliberately Ignore the Evidence.” The gist of the piece was that Darwinists have openly admitted that they ignore scientific evidence which refutes atheism. In other words, evolutionary scientists refuse to consider evidence contrary to their paradigm. We’re not talking
Darwinists have multiple labels for their belief system: naturalism, materialism, reductionism, atheism, secularism, humanism. But call it what you will, the theory has two fatal flaws: the lack of evidence for macro-evolution, and overwhelming evidence of design. As for the first, two big evidence gaps confront proponents of macro-evolution. There
The hideous shadow of death looms over the West today, a death which is the fruit of relativism. Francis Schaeffer once spoke about what he called the “curious mark of our own age: the only absolute allowed is the absolute insistence that there is no absolute.” We live in the