Is money the primary capital investment in a community or nation’s development? What capital is needed for nations and communities to develop? Who is responsible for communities and nations to be lifted out of poverty? The most common answers to these questions in the modern world is the need is
Tag: capital
God invented capital Mark 12:1-12 is a parable about accountability, theft and judgment. It also reveals something about resources. And he began to speak to them in parables. “A man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a pit for the winepress and built a tower,
Human imagination is clearly implied in God’s mandate to Adam and Eve to develop the creation out of the raw materials He provided. And human imagination has been at work ever since. Note the quotation about a bar of iron. The value of an item is not necessarily found in
This is post 2 of 10 in the series “wisdom” Wisdom book preview Poverty: The Fruit of Neglected Wisdom What Wisdom Has to Do with Wealth Creation Laws: Wisdom Sustains the Universe Wisdom Sustains the Universe Through Human Obedience Wisdom is Better Than Knowledge Wisdom: The False and the True
Here at the Disciple Nations Alliance we speak much about the role of worldview in development and how the metaphysical capital of a biblical worldview can lead to the flourishing of a people and nation. You may be thinking, Metaphysical capital? What’s that? In development circles people talk of the
There are three primary options of governance: license, tyranny and freedom. License is what some people in the West mean by “freedom.” Freedom, in an Atheistic framework, is defined as the ability to do what one pleases. People do what “feels good,” they follow their noses. This concept means that