This is post 4 of 4 in the series “corruption” What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? part 2 You Can Stop Corruption! Resist Corruption, Serve the Kingdom of Heaven Your calling – serve the kingdom of heaven Vishal Mangalwadi asks, “Did Jesus ask us
Tag: Corruption
This is post 2 of 4 in the series “corruption” What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? part 2 You Can Stop Corruption! Resist Corruption, Serve the Kingdom of Heaven [from part 1] Corruption violates at least four principles critical to the flourishing of individuals,
This is post 1 of 4 in the series “corruption” What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? part 2 You Can Stop Corruption! Resist Corruption, Serve the Kingdom of Heaven Systemic corruption is nothing new. The Protestant Reformation is rooted in Martin Luther’s identification of
It’s fashionable to consider “overpopulation” as a blight on a nation’s economic prospects. Ever since Malthus, elites have soberly warned us that too many people on too little land guarantees hunger and poverty. The recent death of Lee Kuan Yew is a fitting occasion to point out how mistaken the Malthusians are. Start with too little
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Why India corrupt” Why Is India So Corrupt? Part I Why is India Corrupt? part II Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. We are happy to offer here, in two installments, the introduction to his
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Why India corrupt” Why Is India So Corrupt? Part I Why is India Corrupt? part II Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. We are happy to offer here, in two installments, the introduction to his
Chris Wassell recently sent me the brief video below. I thought well worth passing on to our readers. The video shows the contrast between countries with the greatest economic freedom and those with the least. It shows very clearly how true is the expression, “Ideas have consequences!” If we want to
Here in Arizona, we live with the reality of the dry wash, a stream bed that is bone dry most of the year but floods after a desert monsoon. This reminds me of Amos 5:24, But let justice roll on like a river and, and righteousness like a never ending stream.
The following post is fifth in a six-part series on worldview and work taken from Darrow Miller’s new book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. In some developing countries you will find men with very long fingernails on their pinky finger as a sign of