Christians are generally familiar with Jesus’ mandate for the church, what we usually call the Great Commission, but fewer Christians are familiar with the Cultural Commission. Fewer still see the connection between these two commissions. Yet, neither has been rescinded. On the contrary, both remain active expressions of God’s purpose
Tag: cultural commission
Christians are generally familiar with Jesus’ mandate for the church, but fewer Christians are familiar with the Cultural Commission. Fewer still see the connection between these two commissions. Yet neither has been rescinded. On the contrary, both remain active expressions of God’s purpose for humans. We must reconnect the Cultural
In part one we wrote about Jesus’ parable of the vineyard to show that God invested his creation with metaphysical capital. In this post we will elaborate on another kind of capital, moral capital. Michael Novak, the economist and economic philosopher, describes the need for a moral ecology, a systemic
Woman, the life giver How many times can you read a passage of Scripture and see what you have never seen before? This has been a pattern throughout my life, going deeper into a familiar passage of Scripture and finding new truths. A simple truth on the surface of a