Overpopulation is often used to describe places like India. Any Westerner visiting India for the first time is struck with the teeming masses of humanity, a seemingly endless sea of people wherever you look. My Indian host, a seminary grad and one of the most gifted Christian leaders I’ve ever
Tag: Malthus
Total 3 Posts
It’s fashionable to consider “overpopulation” as a blight on a nation’s economic prospects. Ever since Malthus, elites have soberly warned us that too many people on too little land guarantees hunger and poverty. The recent death of Lee Kuan Yew is a fitting occasion to point out how mistaken the Malthusians are. Start with too little
“If we all saw the harm we were doing by having children and put a stop to it, within a century or so the world’s population would drop to zero.” So writes Elizabeth Kolbert in The New Yorker, arguing in favor of a zero-population world. Referring to the book, Better Never