Many Western societies, though founded on biblical worldview and principles, are now considered post-Christian. Europe is utterly atheistic; the United States is following suit. Sadly, the modern West lives in the present. Many Christians today function from near memory. They unconsciously operate from biblical principles, but make no connection between
Tag: narcissism
Total 3 Posts
In my reading this morning, I was reflecting on Paul’s words in Romans 9:33. He speaks of Christ as the stumbling stone when he writes: “See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in
As we continue to reflect on the global economic crisis, we have said that the root of the problem is not technical or lack of money. The root of the problem is in mental infrastructure between Theism and Atheism, and between their corresponding economic paradigm of oikonomia and chrematistics. These