Marilyn and I were blessed some years ago with a home in the Coconino National Forest a couple of hours north of Phoenix. We spend as much time there as we can, especially as it makes for a quiet setting for thinking and writing. When we’re up there, we fellowship
Tag: world
“There seems to be something lacking in our churches these days. We have done a great job producing nice Christians, rather than dangerous Christians full of courage, ready to take risks.” These are the words of my friend Tish Shelton in her fight for the dignity of women in Australia.
This is post 4 of 6 in the series “The Remnant” Those who would be faithful to God must live as a remnant people. As Freedom Dies, Is It Time for a Remnant Movement? The Remnant of Israel: A Model for Today A Remnant: 7 Defining Characteristics A Remnant: 7
This is post 3 of 6 in the series “The Remnant” Those who would be faithful to God must live as a remnant people. As Freedom Dies, Is It Time for a Remnant Movement? The Remnant of Israel: A Model for Today A Remnant: 7 Defining Characteristics A Remnant: 7
Dome of the Florence Cathedral by Brunelleschi (1438) who transformed the role and status of the architect. Photo by Bruce Stokes on Flickr In part 1 we wrote about architect Christopher Alexander who said that his half century as an architect and student of creation has persuaded him not only of God’s existence
Painting of Abraham’s Departure by József Molnár For he was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God. At the end of history a city will arise whose Architect and Builder is God. The Creator who conceived, designed and built our earthly home, is also
Last October, our friend Marvin Olasky, editor at WORLD, published chapter 3 of Darrow’s book, Emancipating the World: A Christian Response to Fundamentalist Atheism and Radical Islam. Now Marvin has returned to the book, publishing chapter 7 with his post, Opening the door to the enemy. Here’s Marvin’s introduction: Two months ago we
GDP, believe it or not, is an indicator of a nation’s progress in discipleship. I enjoy reading Mindy Belz’s daily global news update called “Globe Trot” at World Magazine online. In a recent post she provided a link to a Minneapolis Star Tribune article by Adam Belz that compared the relationship of
Ken Myers, who writes at Mars Hill Audio, is a leading voice calling the church to truly be the church, living and serving the nation so that its very culture is transformed. We have quoted Ken before. Ken recently posted a penetrating three-minute monologue about the nature of true discipleship.
On the subject of hunger Jesus said something that he said about few examples of human extremity: I was hungry and you gave me food, (Mat 25:35 ESV). When we feed the hungry, we feed Him. That truth adds significance to some recent good news about world hunger. A group called the International