Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Stewardship

Total 14 Posts

The Roots of the Global Economic Crisis

[The following post, refreshed  from its original publication, is highly relevant to the current political-economic environment.] The global economic crisis is, at its root, a moral and metaphysical crisis. Our economic principles and polices are founded on assumptions which are either theistic or atheistic. One set of assumptions fits reality the

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Francis Schaeffer and a Christian View of the Environment

[Gary Brumbelow and Darrow Miller recently exchanged email about Francis Schaeffer’s 1974 seminal book, Pollution and the Death of Man. Their (slightly edited) conversation is offered here in hopes of being of value to our readers.] Gary: I have just finished reading Pollution and the Death of Man by Francis Schaeffer. I came

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Great Commission Utilitarianism, Part 3

Oikonomia vs. Chrematistics In direct opposition to what those possessing a GCU (Great Commission Utilitarianism) mindset state, God’s ends reveals that human beings are placed on earth for economic purposes: to be the catalysts to allow families, communities and nations to reach their fruition. We see this unfold in the

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