Darrow Miller and Friends


Total 59 Posts

Jordan Peterson and C.S. Lewis

Last week we published The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Jordan Peterson. We subsequently heard from a reader, Caitlin Basset, who wrote to thank Darrow for his post. She mentioned her own article on the same subject, published at The Stream. Hers is a very worthy companion post to ours, and we

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SUMMIT: Two Weeks to Get on Top

Summit, like maybe no other program, equips young Christians to succeed in our postmodern society. We are happy to repost John Stonestreet’s recent BreakPoint column highlighting this powerful summer experience. ~ Millennials have a pretty bad reputation these days. Some of it’s undeserved, of course, but there are also plenty

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The Real Reason Justice Kennedy Approved Obergefell

Our friend Nancy R. Pearcey is editor-at-large of The Pearcey Report. She is also scholar in residence and professor at Houston Baptist University, where she serves as director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture. Nancy is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Dr. Pearcey recently published

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Brett Kavanaugh, #MeToo, and “Toxic Masculinity”

Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Wikimedia Commons Our friend Nancy R. Pearcey is editor-at-large of The Pearcey Report. She is also scholar in residence and professor at Houston Baptist University, where she serves as director of the Francis Schaeffer Center for Worldview and Culture. Nancy is also a fellow at the Discovery Institute. Dr. Pearcey recently published

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Courageous Truth: A Current Example

This is post 3 of 3 in the series “Courageous truth” Three Stories of Courageous Truth Three Stories of Courageous Truth, part 2 Courageous Truth: A Current Example Kimberly Brancato and her sons In January 2017, I accepted a temporary job teaching Language Arts to eighth graders at Highland Park

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