Last week we published The Spiritual Pilgrimage of Jordan Peterson. We subsequently heard from a reader, Caitlin Basset, who wrote to thank Darrow for his post. She mentioned her own article on the same subject, published at The Stream. Hers is a very worthy companion post to ours, and we have excerpted it below with a link to the entire piece.
Ms. Bassett is the Assistant to the Managing and Associate Directors at the Center for Science & Culture.
The story goes that C.S. Lewis was walking through Oxford one fall evening in 1931 with fellow university professors J.R.R. Tolkien and Hugo Dyson. It would turn out to be one of the most significant evenings of the 20th century, for it was a catalytic event for the conversion of one of modernity’s greatest Christian apologists.
On this particular evening, Lewis was wrestling with the meaning of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, and what those stories mean in the here-and-now. By this point, he had abandoned agnosticism for Theism, or the belief that there exists a god, even if he wasn’t sure who that god was.
Lewis loved myths and he believed they communicate important truths. But he could not yet take the final step to believe in one single myth — the Christian myth — as ultimate Truth.
A True Myth
“Myths are lies,” C.S. Lewis said, as recounted by Tolkien biographer Humphrey Carpenter, “even though lies breathed through silver.”
“No,” said Tolkien, “they are not.”
We urge you to read her article, “Jordan Peterson, and the Conversion of C.S. Lewis.”