Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Truth

Total 44 Posts

The Healing Power of Beauty

Truth, beauty and goodness are the hallmarks of the culture of the kingdom of God. These are what I call the cultural trinity. Just as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are separate persons yet one God, so truth, beauty and goodness are not the same, but they cannot be

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Love-Truth Divide

This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Love-Truth Divide” Love-Truth Divide Love-Truth Divide, part 2 During the rise of modernism, the church abandoned the comprehensive, integrative biblical worldview for the limitations and weakness of the Sacred/Secular Divide (SSD) of the Greeks. Our friend and co-worker Scott Allen has

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Farewell, Justice: The Corrosion of Narratives

This is post 4 of 9 in the series “Narratives” Scott Allen explores the problem of how narratives have steadily replaced truth in Western society. What’s Wrong With a Story? The Destructive Power of Narrative: An Example from American History Why Narratives Have Become Pervasive Farewell, Justice: The Corrosion of

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