San Juan, Puerto Rico is a thousand miles almost due east of Miami. To someone who has spent his career in northern lands, the tropical climate and the lizards are intriguing. But the real story is what God is doing here.
Our post last week mentioned that Darrow Miller was presenting his workshop, Occupy Till I Come, a presentation of his book, LifeWork. Most of those attending were young people training at the JUCUM (Spanish for YWAM) base.
These young folks from Latin America (and a few USA residents) engaged readily and processed thoughtfully. Over and over my heart flamed and my eyes filled with tears to watch God impacting these talented youth so eager to serve Jesus Christ. The group included a number of people Darrow has mentored over several years.
We will be writing some of their stories. For today, here is a “Reader’s Digest” version of the testimonies we heard at the end of the week:
- The training has given me a new view of what work means. Thank you very much!
- You have destroyed my whole view of Avatar!
- Thank you very much for teaching me how to redeem time.
- Thank you for teaching us how we have to dignify work.
- My dad would always talk to me about this but like most youth it went in one ear and out the other. When I see my dad again, I want to ask him to forgive me.
- Now I can say that I have the truthful view of salvation.
- I didn’t sleep last night and cried and asked God for forgiveness. This was because of your teaching on the calling of God. I had heard his call many times but had not responded in obedience. But if God has entrusted me with abilities, he has given me the capacity to fulfill his plan.
- I’m going to get a move on to create culture.
- Your teachings are transforming this base a lot of areas: arts, beauty, King’s Kids, and now in the area of work.
- You have given the final blow that can become a revolution. This is a message that needs to be shouted from the roof tops. You’re a trouble maker! Don’t stop!
– Gary Brumbelow