We live in an age when the anti-maternal influence of modern feminism is reaching its zenith. The result, celebrated by atheists, neo-pagans and negative-population growth champions is a demographic winter (the effect of birth rates lower than needed to maintain a society’s population) in eighty nations, and the corresponding cultural suicide and economic upheaval we are witnessing in Europe, parts of Asia, and some of the United States.
But in the midst of this madness and man-made disaster, there is hope. Women and men are beginning to realize that motherhood is a noble vocation.
In her recent article in Townhall Magazine, Kathryn Lopez tells the story of one courageous maternal feminist (one of Governor Sarah Palin’s “Mother Grizzlies”): Rachael Campos-Duffy.
Ms. Lopez’s article: “Stay-At-Home Moms Are the Real World” tells Rachael’s story of abandoning a vaunted career as a reality TV star to become a stay at home mother. Ms. Campos-Duffy describes her vocation of being a mother of six children as the “best job in the world.” She tells the story of her journey in her book Stay Home, Stay Happy: 10 Secrets to Loving At-Home Motherhood and on her blog ParentDish .
My book, Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women to Build Healthy Cultures provides a theology of womanhood.
A key to restoring nations is the noble vocation: motherhood. A hearty thank you to Ms. Lopez and Ms. Campos-Duffy for your contribution to this process.
– Darrow Miller
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