Darrow Miller and Friends

WHAT IS CHRISTIANITY? Chuck Colson Answers the Big Question

No doubt many of our readers are aware of the recent death of Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship and a highly influential evangelical leader.

We recently came across an 18-minute address Chuck gave at Q: Ideas For the Common Good, called What is Christianity? Chuck articulates a truth that has been part of the DNA message for a long time.

Darrow’s new book, Emancipating the World, for example, includes this paragraph from chapter 10, “Reawakening the Cultural Commission.”

Only one story reflects reality; there is only one Lord. Our task is to live out the true story in the world. God has revealed his truth through the Word of God—the historical narrative of his work in the world. The biblical narrative reveals humankind’s purpose on earth in four major stages: creation, fall, redemption, and consummation. In this flow of history, God has given human beings two mandates or commissions. The first is the Cultural Commission; the second is the Great Commission. To be truly effective in its mission, the church must understand and embrace both of these. We must reconnect the Cultural Commission and the Great Commission.

Emancipating the World is available at the DNA bookstore (at a discounted price that expires July 1).

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