Darrow Miller and Friends

The Kingdom Won’t Fit In Your File Cabinet

In recent weeks we have published two presentations from our March Global Forum in Brazil. One was by Hector Pardo, A Fresh Look at the Kingdom of God, and one by Luis Sena, Why the Church is not Discipling the Nations. Hein van Wyk presentation on kingdom of GodIn this post we share a third powerful message, this one by our friend and colleague from South Africa, Hein van Wyk. Hein has achieved a wonderful clarity with this talk. In fact, we are planning to publish his presentation as a small booklet because it is that powerful. Here’s an excerpt to whet your appetite:

My own journey in seeking the Kingdom was a very challenging one. For my wife and I some years ago God placed it in our hearts to seek His Kingdom. I had no idea what that meant. I thought I had the Kingdom. I thought I understood what the Kingdom was, just to find out later that I had no idea what it was.

For every part of the Christian life and of Bible teaching and for every part of Church, I opened a file for. I had a file for missions, a file for church planting, a file for faith and love, etc. Every bit of information I gather about a specific topic, I put in the appropriate file I opened.

Now, I was creating this file called, “The Kingdom of God.” All of the information I was gathering through the reading of books and sermons on the topic, I tried to place inside this file. It was such an awkward feeling, because the information didn’t seem to fit in the file.

Then I realized what God was putting on my heart was the fact that the Kingdom of God is not so much a file in a filing system, but that the Kingdom of God is the filing system. And from that moment on I understood missions differently. In the light of the Kingdom, I understood church planting, and faith and love, and the role of the church differently. The Kingdom of God brought a total new perspective.

Here’s the message: Possessing the Kingdom. Or go here to view the video.

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Gary is the Disciple Nations Alliance editorial manager. He manages Darrow Miller and Friends and serves as editor and co-writer on various book projects. For eight years Gary served as a cross-cultural church planting missionary among First Nations people of Canada. His career also includes 14 years as executive director of InterAct Ministries, an Oregon-based church-planting organization in Canada, Alaska, and Siberia. Gary is a graduate of Grace University, earned an MA from Wheaton College and a Graduate Studies Diploma from Western Seminary. He lives near Portland, Oregon with his wife, Valerie. They have two married sons and twelve grandchildren. In addition to his work with the DNA, Gary serves as the pastor of Troutdale Community Church.


  1. Jon Davis Jr.

    July 16, 2013 - 3:30 am

    “Then I realized what God was putting on my heart was the fact that the Kingdom of God is not so much a file in a filing system, but that the Kingdom of God is the filing system.”

    That is really, really good. I’ll be using that quote I think. 🙂

    The Gospel of Everything.

    • admin

      July 16, 2013 - 5:38 am

      Yes, Jon, that’s an important and profound observation, isn’t it?

      Thanks for reading and responding!

      Gary Brumbelow
