Darrow Miller and Friends

Donald Trump vs. Cologne Deniers: The Price of Political Correctness

Photo by Michael Vadon

There’s a link between Donald Trump and the New Year’s Eve Cologne attacks.

political correctness subverted response to Cologne attacks

The New Year began in ugly fashion at the train station in Cologne, Germany. At least 100 German women were groped and raped.

Der Spiegel wrote about “… drunk young men from North Africa who formed gangs to go after defenseless individuals. They humiliated and robbed — and they sexually assaulted women.”

The paper described the perpetrators as an estimated 1000 “young foreign men who spoke neither German nor English.”

The men didn’t speak German or English because they were neither. They were immigrants from “North Africa and the Middle East.” But to identify them as Muslim would not be politically correct.

The culture that produced these young men generally sees women as the property of men. These men were simply treating German women the way they are allowed to treat non-Muslim women in their own countries.

What happened in Cologne and other European cities that night may be hard to fathom for the Western mind. But in the Muslim mind it has a name حرش جماعي, taharush, meaning “collective harassment” or the “rape game.” This “game” is practiced when a group of men gather around a targeted female. Part of the gang gropes and rapes the woman, while the rest of the gang protects the attackers from being interrupted.

It looks like taharush has come to Europe!

In the West, women and men have equal rights before the law. Under sharia law women are not equal to men. In fact, for men from North Africa and the Middle East to assimilate into Western culture is very difficult because of their attitude toward women. When these Muslim men were acting out in the Cologne train station they were simply following the cultural pattern where Muslim men are free to abuse, rape and even sexually enslave non-Muslim women.

The German government has tried to bury the story because they do not want to be seen as culturally insensitive to the Muslim community and the one million Muslim refugees newly in their midst.

Cologne’s Mayor Henriette Reker added fuel to the fire. She said publicly that the victims should have walked faster to get away from their attackers. She also noted that in the future, women should adopt a “code of conduct” to prevent these events from recurring. Translation: It’s obviously the victim’s problem to solve.

political correctness stifles police

The response of German authorities to such events has been to bury the story and bring pressure on the police to keep quiet. They have asked Twitter, Facebook and Google to revise their policies so as to limit the free speech of angry Germans using social media.

This is political correctness run amok.

On the eve of the assaults, in her New Year’s greeting to the country, Chancellor Angela Merkel said:

It is important that we not let ourselves be divided – not into generations, not into social groups, and not into those that are already here and those that are new citizens.

People should not follow “those with coldness, or even hate in their hearts, and who claim the right to be called German for themselves alone and seek to marginalize others.”

Free speech and freedom of conscience is limited by the cultural relativism and political correctness promoted by a society’s elites.

We have written about a similar example in Rotherham, England. For 15 years, the police and government officials covered up the rapes and sexual enslavement of 1,400 English girls by Muslim men. The officials of Rotherham sacrificed the health and safety of their daughters on the altar of cultural relativism and political correctness.

While the politically correct power brokers avert their eyes from moral evil, average German and British citizens are afraid to speak out for fear of being called racist, or Islamophobic.

On November 5, 2009, Army Major Nidal Hassan attacked fellow service men and women at Fort Hood army base in Texas. He shot to death 13 and wounded 32. As he fired, he yelled the jihadist “war cry” – Allahu Akbar – “God is [the] greatest.” The U.S. administration would not call this a jihadist attack, opting instead for the label “workplace violence.” In December, the same impulse drove the administration to use the same moniker to initially downplay the ISIS-inspired attack in in San Bernardino. They dropped the term only when international exposure to the truth forced their hand.

This same political correctness is driving the creation of “safe spaces” on US college campuses.

But this US election cycle is challenging political correctness.

For example, a reporter asked presidential candidate Dr. Rand Paul about his views on abortion. Instead of simply affirming the reporter’s assumptions, Dr. Paul challenged them. Other candidates have followed suit.


But one candidate is at the head of the pack. Of the candidates challenging political correctness, the “Big Dog” is businessman Donald Trump.

In the January 4th Washington Post article, “Why Trump may be winning the war on ‘political correctness’,” authors Karen Tumulty and Jenna Johnson write:

Cathy Cuthbertson once worked at what might be thought of as a command post of political correctness — the campus of a prestigious liberal arts college in Ohio.

“You know, I couldn’t say ‘Merry Christmas.’ And when we wrote things, we couldn’t even say ‘he’ or ‘she,’ because we had transgender. People of color. I mean, we had to watch every word that came out of our mouth, because we were afraid of offending someone, but nobody’s afraid of offending me,” the former administrator said.

All of which helps explain why the 63-year-old grandmother showed up at a recent Donald Trump rally in Hilton Head Island, S.C., where she moved when she retired a year ago.

The Republican front-runner is “saying what a lot of Americans are thinking but are afraid to say because they don’t think that it’s politically correct,” she said. “But we’re tired of just standing back and letting everyone else dictate what we’re supposed to think and do.”

Is Donald Trump voicing the concerns of many who are afraid to speak up?

Why are so many people supporting Mr. Trump at this point in the election cycle? Could it be that Trump is speaking things that many people are thinking but afraid to say? Perhaps people are being freed to speak their minds. The United States is a free society where the First Amendment to the Constitution established freedom of speech, worship, and conscience. These rights have been trampled by the modern thought police. Instead of acquiescing to political correctness, Donald Trump is leading a rebellion.

Donald TrumpThis is not about agreeing or disagreeing with Trump’s politics. I’m not endorsing his demeanor or behavior. In fact, I’m not a supporter of Mr. Trump. He comes across as an unprincipled and crude school-yard bully.

Trump knows how to entertain. He’s gifted at setting the agenda for the national discussion among friends and foes alike. But he seems to spew words without thinking (or perhaps he is “thinking tactically”). He often appears to take little thought of the impact his words have on real people and communities. Yet his speeches often establish the topic of the national discussion for another week.

Trump has the ability to identify an issue everyone is thinking about but is afraid to talk about in the current climate of political correctness, which is really a cultural fascism. Political correctness stifles free speech and political debate, and even limits the freedom of conscience and religious conviction of the soul.

Because of political correctness, the German government stifled public discussion of  taharush – the rape game being played out by Muslim immigrants against German women.  The average German and American are tired of being told that they cannot think or speak certain things. Trump’s mouth has brought the issue of politically correct culture to the forefront of people’s minds in a way that no one else has been able to do.

Mr. Trump has a huge megaphone. He’s using it to attack political correctness. He’s encouraging others not to cower before the reigning tyranny. If Donald Trump does nothing else in this election cycle but torpedo political correctness in the German, European and American elites, he will have done a tremendous service.

How about you? Are you an independent thinker, or do you tend to be stifled by political correctness?

For more on this see the Washington Post story.

  • Darrow Miller


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Darrow is co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance and a featured author and teacher. For over 30 years, Darrow has been a popular conference speaker on topics that include Christianity and culture, apologetics, worldview, poverty, and the dignity of women. From 1981 to 2007 Darrow served with Food for the Hungry International (now FH association), and from 1994 as Vice President. Before joining FH, Darrow spent three years on staff at L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland where he was discipled by Francis Schaeffer. He also served as a student pastor at Northern Arizona University and two years as a pastor of Sherman Street Fellowship in urban Denver, CO. In addition to earning his Master’s degree in Adult Education from Arizona State University, Darrow pursued graduate studies in philosophy, theology, Christian apologetics, biblical studies, and missions in the United States, Israel, and Switzerland. Darrow has authored numerous studies, articles, Bible studies and books, including Discipling Nations: The Power of Truth to Transform Culture (YWAM Publishing, 1998), Nurturing the Nations: Reclaiming the Dignity of Women for Building Healthy Cultures (InterVarsity Press, 2008), LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day (YWAM, 2009), Rethinking Social Justice: Restoring Biblical Compassion (YWAM, 2015), and more. These resources along with links to free e-books, podcasts, online training programs and more can be found at Disciple Nations Alliance (https://disciplenations.org).


  1. Doc Knowles

    January 14, 2016 - 11:03 am

    Wrong is wrong. It doesn’t have a religion or “trigger” or sexual orientation. Rape is rape. What these thugs did is not only wrong, but illegal. If Germany, in their infinite wisdom isn’t going to prosecute those individuals responsible then Germany is not only wrong, but stupid. I could care less whether these young men were acting on some demented hold-over from their native countries and religions. They’re criminals and should be put in jail. There were a lot of them responsible for this and other attacks. There should be a lot of them in jail right now awaiting trial. If they are allowed to escape without prosecution then what does it matter what religion they belong to? We don’t need to have ANY discussions about Political Correctness. What we need are leaders in every nation who aren’t afraid to enforce the law!

    • admin

      January 15, 2016 - 7:27 am

      Hi, Doc,

      Thanks for reading and responding to Darrow’s post. We would certainly agree that there’s no question about the guilt of the perpetrators. Rape is always wrong, and one of Darrow’s central messages is the mistreatment of women in virtually every society. (If you are interested you can find numerous posts on that subject at Darrow Miller and Friends at the Imago Dei tab. Click “Women” in the drop down menu.)

      We also affirm your call to civic authorities to prosecute and seek justice as is their responsibility.

      Here’s why we try to point our readers to the larger questions, i.e. the effects of political correctness. If one event, or series of events, is the only issue, we would agree with your sentiment. “Never mind the underlying philosophy, religion, etc. Bring these people to justice.” But we don’t want to simply react to events. We call the attention of our readers to the causes behind human behavior because actions spring from values which are rooted in the soil of a culture. Only when a culture is impacted with truth will the behaviors of that culture change. That’s why we write as we do.

      Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

      Gary Brumbelow

  2. Doc Knowles

    September 13, 2016 - 11:49 am

    As this reply comes very late I’m hoping that your thinking about Donald Trump has changed by now. The whole “politically correct” issue has faded somewhat recently in favor of a host of events, remarks and other issues that have demanded the public’s attention. That being said, Donald Trump is no exemplar of the yin to politically correct’s yang. The idea that he may be doing us all a service with his particular brand of crass, uninformed and often racist speech should be, by now, seen as what it really is….the uneducated mouthings of a populist egotist willing to say anything that keeps him in the limelight. Donald Trump could care less about what is or isn’t politically correct. For him the entire “politically correct” issue was nothing more than the soup de jour in that particular bunch of news cycles.
    Further, the idea that someone might be “afraid” of writing “his or her” for fear of offending someone for ANY reason is ridiculous on its face. If anyone is attracted to Trump’s campaign for that reason it is also ridiculous on its face. Being “politically correct” is not a form of “cultural facism.” It is, in fact, nothing at all. It is more akin to subterfuge than a real thing. Thinking that Donald Trump says in public what many think in private may be true, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with political correctness. Among the many things that Donald Trump IS, is the fact that he is a racist. Any endorsement of Donald Trump says more about the endorser than it does about Donald Trump.

    • admin

      September 14, 2016 - 4:36 pm

      Hi, Doc, thanks for reading and weighing in.

      The article was not an endorsement of Donald Trump. For example, it includes this paragraph:

      “This is not about agreeing or disagreeing with Trump’s politics. I’m not endorsing his demeanor or behavior. In fact, I’m not a supporter of Mr. Trump. He comes across as an unprincipled and crude school-yard bully.”

      We have written further on the subject since then as well. See Why Have Evangelicals Supported Donald Trump?
