Darrow Miller and Friends

Get Wisdom: The Way to Human Flourishing

Darrow Miller’s brand new book about wisdom will be available soon!

How do we solve the problems of poverty and underdevelopment? God has already equipped people to do that. He has provided the primary resource humans need for these solutions. What is that resource? Wisdom!

Wisdom moves people …

  • from brokenness to wholeness,
  • from poverty to flourishing,
  • from underdevelopment to development.

Wisdom is about life and governing in the time between paradise lost and paradise restored. Wisdom and human development, or human flourishing, are organically related. The second depends on the first. But not everyone understands that. 

Many people working in government programs, and relief and development organizations, look largely to money and technology to solve poverty. Both money and technology can be part of the solution. But the solution to poverty lies much deeper. Relief and development workers need to see the connection between wisdom and human development.

Other people of faith who are not professional workers also care about the poor. They may be working with urban poor people in the United States, or in poor communities abroad. Many believe in a God who has revealed Himself to man. They believe in God’s revelation, but they too, have failed to make the connection between what that revelation says about wisdom, on the one hand, and the roots of poverty, on the other.

People in both groups unknowingly operate from humanistic principles, policies, and programs. This book was written to address these gaps. We hope to show both kinds of people the connection between wisdom and human flourishing.

Feb 15 is the release date for this helpful new resource. Order at YWAM Publishing or Amazon.


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