Racism has been part of American life as it has in all nations. But classic racism has been largely replaced with the Judeo-Christian ideal that all lives matter because each individual human being is created in the image of God. Having said this, it must be acknowledged that racism lingers in the hearts of some individuals.
But does systemic racism, as delineated in the public square, still exist in the US? I think not. Yes, there is systemic racism in the US today, but not as you’re being told. It’s a racism exhibited in ways few people are talking about.
I can identify three manifestations of systemic racism in the country: 1) Planned Parenthood’s targeting of black babies, 2) the plantation narrative spun by a “progressive privileged” ruling class, and 3) public education in inner cities.
Planned Parenthood
We have written about this before. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist and leading eugenicist whose goal was to selectively breed a nation of superior whites and eliminate people of color. Here’s what she wrote to a supporting physician, Dr. C. J. Gamble, a fellow eugenicist.
We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members. [emphasis added]
Planned Parenthood and the modern feminist movement still celebrate Margaret Sanger as a hero. Moderns may repudiate eugenics, but the culture of eugenics still permeates Planned Parenthood.
In fact, according to an analysis of the most recent (2010) Census Bureau data by Life Issues Institute,
Planned Parenthood continues to strategically place the majority of their surgical abortion facilities in locations that target Black Americans for abortion. … 62% of Planned Parenthood abortion facilities are within walking distance (2 miles) of relatively high African American populations.
The pro-life site Abort73.com adds: “According to the latest census estimates, just over 13% of the U.S. population is black, and yet somewhere between 28-38%[1] of all U.S. abortions are performed on black babies.”
The legacy of Margaret Sanger
These statistics reflect the continued legacy of the racist mindset of Margaret Sanger. Only when there is advocacy for those young black babies, whose lives are snuffed out in the womb or at birth, will the slogan “black lives matter” have real meaning. Where is Black Lives Matter’s advocacy for over 363,000 black babies aborted every year? Where are the cries of the nation for the blood of all these innocent babies?
If such targeted abortion of black babies is not systemic racism, what is?
Except for a few black pastors and pro-life Christians, no one in BLM, the abortion industry, the media and film industry, or the women’s movement wants to talk about targeting black babies for abortion. If this is not systemic racism, I don’t know what is.
How can you respond? Aggressively support groups like Black Genocide, Issues4Life , Radiance Foundation and other pro-life groups that cherish all human life including the smallest black lives and their mothers.
Spinning a Narrative
A narrative—I’ll call it the Plantation Mentality—is a second example of systemic racism. It argues that blacks are not fully human, not free moral agents capable of being responsible for their own lives. Rather, it suggests blacks and other people of poverty need the state to support them and their communities.
Stanford University professor and author Shelby Steele comments on the attitudes of those with progressive privilege:
They believe in whites being the agents of black fate …. They believe more in whites than they do in blacks. They don’t believe in black people. They believe we’re weak. They believe we’re inferior. They believe that anything you give to blacks is not going to work. That’s what black people very often, too often, believe. That has to be changed.
In today’s BLM narrative, blacks are owed reparation for slavery. Thus, rioting and looting of stores is legitimate. This argument is highly ironic in that the US has spent over $21,000,000,000,000 on poverty programs in the 50 years since the War on Poverty was declared. Instead of helping the poor, the War on Poverty reestablished a plantation mentality that says, “You are incapable of developing your own potential and your own communities, you need someone else to take care of you.” This has consigned a whole new generation to dependency on state-run bureaucracy and welfare programs. Someone has effectively stated that the welfare state is the plantation 2.0.
If this is not systemic racism, I do not know what is.
How can you respond? Begin by reading Scott Allen’s new book to educate yourself, Why Social Justice is not Biblical Justice and watch the Larry Elder film Uncle Tom .
Public Education
The third manifestation of systemic racism is state-sponsored public education, the teachers’ unions and political officials who refuse to support school choice. This system and the policies that support it consign black children to inner-city schools that too often deliver inferior education, as measured by national and public school standards, and rarely teach children either virtues or the history of our country founded in Judeo-Christian principles. In fact, much of what is taught in public schools undermines the very foundation of a free society and a prosperous people.
Many sincere and godly teachers desire the best for their students. But they find themselves hampered by a thoroughly secular and increasingly postmodern educational system whose leaders too often have a perverse agenda. Much public education today is more about empowering the system and teachers’ unions than empowering children and their parents.
In a recent interview, US Attorney General William Barr stated:
The racism in this country, look no further than our public education system. That’s a racist system, maintained by the Democratic Party and the teachers union, keeping inner-city kids in failing schools.
In the most progressive state in the Union, California, 75% of black boys fail the state’s basic literacy tests. Is anything more racist than forcing black children to stay in schools that fail to educate and empower them for flourishing?
One solution: school choice. Tax revenues should follow the child and empower parents to send their children to the school of their choice: a charter school, public school, religious/private school or home school. Let’s provide them an opportunity for a future!
What can you do? First, educate yourself through Robert Woodson’s 1776 Unites Project, then work to break the atheistic-founded, teacher-union grip on public schools by supporting school choice. Help start and promote alternatives to state-run education. Home school your children, join an educational coop or begin a parent-run charter school.
Common roots
What do these three manifestations of systemic racism have in common? At least four things.
First, they are founded on atheistic, evolutionary principles that regard human beings as merely highly evolved animals at best, or complex machines at least. Atheistic assumptions about race (written about here).
Second, these atheistic foundations are a radical replacement of the biblical worldview, that we live in a moral universe created by God and all human beings are made in the image of God and thus created equal.
Third, if there is no truth, only power is left. The Plantation Narrative, Planned Parenthood and public inner-city schools are all part of the strategy to keep the progressive privileged white ruling class in power.
Fourth, based in an atheistic worldview, these ideas are promoted and supported by a progressive privileged “ruling class” for fundamentalist atheists. They want raw political power per the evolutionary dogma of survival of the fittest.
Let us put off our obsessive pursuit of personal peace and affluence and engage in some small way in the fight against these manifestations of systemic racism. Let us re-engage the fight to restore our cultures to their Judeo-Christian roots and strive for the high standard of our founding principles that all men are created equal and all lives matter.
- Darrow Miller
[1] Guttmacher Institute puts that number at 28%, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports 38%.
Mark Thomas
September 24, 2020 - 9:00 amDarrow, thanks for your insight into this difficult topic. I just purchased Scott Allen’s book so appreciate that reference!
Ryan W
September 24, 2020 - 12:49 pmThank you Darrow.
Ken Ekström
September 25, 2020 - 6:26 pmA great book that recently came out on one part of school choice is “Charter Schools and Their Enemies” by Thomas Sowell. I highly recommend it.
September 26, 2020 - 6:28 amKen
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the heads up. Hope all is well with you.