In the last blog, we unearthed the blessing the Jewish people have become to the nations of the world. They introduced the world to monotheism thus giving us a UNIverse which is predictable and discoverable. They also introduced the world to a whole new language of freedom, giving us concepts that liberate our minds to think as God designed.
Now we return to our original question, why do people hate the Jews? It is not because of the circumstantial or superficial reasons listed earlier in our first blog. These may have given some rationale for antisemitism, but they are not the root of Jew hatred.
People hate the Jews for their worldview and their insistence upon the existence of a moral universe. People hate them for their theology and virtues. People curse them because their God established an ordered universe and laws to govern the universe. People hate the Jews because they place the wonder and glory of human sexuality into the framework of family formation. People hate the Jews because they challenge idolatry and pagan sexuality and stand for the worship of the Living God. They hate the Jews because they have held (not always lived out) the standard of a consecrated (as opposed to a desecrated) sexuality.
It’s important to note here that if these are the true reasons people hate the Jews, then those of us who are Christians can wholeheartedly stand with the Jews and support them and their fight against the hounds of hell.
This is not to say that the Jews have always performed perfectly. However, if in fact, the vitriol we are seeing directed at the Jews in our day is actually directed at God and specifically the limitations that God puts on people, then we can stand with them as they fight for their survival as a people.
In fact, the Apostle Paul speaks of Christians as connected organically with the Jews. As wild “branches” we’ve been grafted into the family tree of Abraham (Rom. 11:17-24) and adopted into the family of God (Galatians 3:26-29; 4:5-6). As the late Edith Schaeffer has said, Christianity is Jewish! The hatred people have for the Jews because of their close association with the God of the Bible, they also have for Christians, for the same reason.
We too as believers in Jesus Christ stand for these things as well and must clearly demonstrate our solidarity with the Jews in this regard.
Dennis Prager, a public intellectual, writer, lecturer and radio host wrote in his paper, “Judaism’s Sexual Revolution“:
Societies that did not place boundaries around sexuality were stymied in their development. The subsequent dominance of the Western world can largely be attributed to the sexual revolution initiated by Judaism and later carried forward by Christianity.
In fact, it is the glory of sexuality within the framework of marriage that began to civilize societies and build Western civilization. Prager continues:
When Judaism [and later Christianity] demanded sexual activity be channeled into marriage, it changed the world. The Torah’s [the books of Moses] prohibition of non-marital sex quite simply made the creation of the Western civilization possible.
Adolf Hitler sought to rid the world of the “crazed, lawmaking God of the desert” by wiping out those who worshiped and served him. First, he sought to eliminate the Jews. When he was finished with the Jews, he planned to wipe out the confessing Christians. If he could kill the Jews and Christians he could rid the world of their law-giving God, thus ridding the world of the concept of the conscience-gripping moral universe.
Take a moment and reflect on this quote from Hitler. What are his main points? What do you think about this?
Ideological Roots of Nazi Antisemitism
Houston Stewart Chamberlain (1855-1927) a British-German political philosopher whose writings were fundamental in shaping Nazi “antisemitism and scientific racism” wrote of the impact a small Semitic people, the Jews, had on shaping the world:
I cannot help shuddering … at the portentous, irremediable mistake the world made in accepting the traditions of this wretched little nation … as the basis of its beliefs (Dennis Prager, Why the Jews? The Reason for Anti-Semitism, 159).
Chamberlain argued that the world made a drastic mistake by accepting the beliefs of this tiny people group.
His words were inspirational for one of the vilest antisemites and murderers of Jews the world has ever known. Adolf Hitler blamed the Jews and the later Christians whose monotheism and view of a moral universe despoiled the world’s “fun,” which of course included pagan sexuality.
Chamberlain wrote, “The Jews God came into our gay world and spoiled everything with his ominous concept of sin, his law, and his cross” (Prager, Why the Jews?, 159).
Hitler and other Nazi leaders echoed Chamberlain’s antisemitism. Hitler recognized that Jesus was a Jew and that his earlier followers were Jews, and that Jesus founded, what Hitler considered, a Jewish sect. Hitler expressed his disdain for Christ and the “Jewish sect” of Christianity when he said:
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jews. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity.
Heinrich Himmler was founder of the Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel, German for “protective echelon”) and the architect of the Nazi “Final Solution to the Jewish Question.” Himmler, the builder of the deathcamps, left no ambiguity about his goal to supplant Christianity with a return to Germany’s ancient paganism. He vowed “to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict.”
In 1937 Himmler declared, “We live in an era of the ultimate conflict with Christianity. It is part of the mission of the SS to give the German people in the next half century the non-Christian ideological foundations on which to lead and shape their lives.”¹
We can see similar thoughts and objectives today. We should take to heart the consequences of an atheistic, evolutionary ideology manifested in the intentional postmodern, cultural Marxist shifts in education and thinking. What is happening in the US and Europe today is nothing less that the exchange of Judeo-Christianity and the virtues it produced for “the non-Christian ideological foundations on which (people are) to lead and shape their lives.”
And where is the Western Church today? I am afraid she is similar to where the Christians were during the rise of Nazism in Germany in the 1930s and ’40s. We must wake up before it is too late!
In the next blog, we will discuss the tacit consent of antisemitism in the church through the sacred/secular lie. Also, we will end this series with a set of possible actions you as a believer can take to stand in solidarity with the Jewish people.
¹ Peter Longerich, Heinrich Himmler, translated by Jeremy Noakes and Lesley Sharpe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), p. 270.