From our good friend Christian Overman … John Adams, the 2nd President of the United States, declared: “…we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate
Two weeks ago we wrote about the Super Bowl ad. Our blog traffic went through the roof; plenty of people shared the same disquiet. The ad was not the only controversy around Super Bowl 2020. The halftime show was another big concern. Lots of bloggers have written about that halftime
Separating the Word of God from academics in school has spawned a debilitating yet popular mindset known as “SSD,” or the “Sacred-Secular Divide.” This dualism constricts the Light of Scripture to Sunday morning sermons, and does not apply it to business, law, medicine, art, civil governance or anything else outside
If the Bible is irrelevant to the most important things taught in school, then it will certainly be irrelevant to the most important things outside of school, too. This is the devilish outcome of dualism. In the end, we all lose. Is it any wonder the biblical foundations for law, civil government, economics and family
Our friend Christian Overman does such a great job of sharing simple, succinct examples of worldview applied and worldview at work. Christian recently wrote … Last week I quoted Jeremiah 29:4-7 in reference to the notion that the Church in the United States has been deported to Babylon. God told
A new idea often requires time to process. Sometimes we don’t understand a new idea. Sometimes we understand it but don’t know how to implement it. It remains in the realm of theory. Many of our readers no doubt understand the theory of bringing transformation to their communities, but don’t
Our friend Christian Overman writes wonderful material at his blog Worldview Matters, a platform we enthusiastically recommend to our readers. A DMF reader (thanks, Clark Dahl!) recently brought to our attention something Christian posted a while back, Not Part Of The Muslim Mindset. His article opens with a little-known observation and
We have published 41 blog posts on the subject of education. It is, after all, a huge part of human life and a priority in God’s economy. A form of the word “teach” or “learn” shows up almost 500 times in the Bible. Our good friend Christian Overman is passionate
Our friend Christian Overman wrote recently about the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. We are happy to point our readers to his excellent post. ~ Martin Luther spent portions of his life in seclusion. The establishment did not appreciate his efforts to drain the swamp of anti-biblical practices. When
John Calvin was one of the Protestant reformers In the early 1500’s, Geneva was called “the smelliest city of Europe.” The walls of the city were in disrepair, the people were poor, and families were falling apart. The condition of the church was deplorable. Proof? Priests operated houses of prostitution. The people