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Vishal Mangalwadi

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Vishal Mangalwadi is an international lecturer, social reformer, cultural & political columnist and author of seventeen books, including The Legacy of William Carey and Truth and Transformation: A Manifesto for Ailing Nations. Vishal is also the founder of Revelation Movement, a ministry to help groups and individuals around the world join together to disciple nations through church and Internet-based education and use the media to present truth.

Watch Vishal Mangalwadi on Christian Television Network

We are happy to forward the following announcement from our colleague, DNA Ideas Shaper, Vishal Mangalwadi. America became the greatest nation on earth because the biblical church and family invented and promoted education that sought Truth – Veritas. On Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 21 & 22) the Christian Television Network (CTN)

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Vishal on the British Riots, Arab Spring

Our friend Vishal Mangalwadi posted his reflections on the British riots and the Arab Spring over the weekend on his Revelation Movement blog. As always, his insights are powerful and exactly right. Take this for example: The protests that turned into violent rioting was the outcome of a secular education that has systematically

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