We are happy to forward the following announcement from our colleague, DNA Ideas Shaper, Vishal Mangalwadi.
America became the greatest nation on earth because the biblical church and family invented and promoted education that sought Truth – Veritas. On Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 21 & 22) the Christian Television Network (CTN) will broadcast two interviews with me on Herman and Sharron Show that explain how America can be transformed again.
Following the broadcast, both interviews will post at www.RevelationMovement.com. After that we will upload more videos explaining the theology of transforming a nation. We need friends who will help start a robust debate by sharing their insights and questions online.
The theology I am presenting is so practical that it will be misunderstood as a “strategy” if looked at superficially. However, once you have gone through the videos you will agree that, in fact, it is seeking to recover the Truth dimension of the Gospel that has slipped out of American evangelicalism and therefore from the academy and the nation itself.
As America loses Truth, it will inevitably lose freedom. As America collapses, Democracy and Capitalism will become dirty words, inseparable from corruption. It is easy to borrow two trillion dollars more. It will not be easy to repay. Debt, deficit, and unemployment will drive America into unjust war. The worldview that birthed the Just War Theory is already history. That is why at this very moment America is supporting Europe’s unjust war in Libya (notwithstanding the fact that Libya needed a change.) The 20th century arch-villain was the first Protestant nation in history – Germany. The arch-villain of the 21st century will be the most Protestant nation on earth – the United States of America! Unless, of course, the Lord grants us a Third Great Awakening. …
Looking forward to your prayers, continuing support, as well as proactive response at www.RevelationMovement.com
– Vishal Mangalwadi
1 Comment
September 23, 2011 - 6:33 amThere is only one truth that can transform culture and that is the Word of God. Why carry on about the United States you could pick any Western Country and see similiar problems? There is a tribulation period coming and it is the wrath of God upon the whole world so there will be no revival, not on the same scale that we have seen in the past. There maybe the odd revival in the individual, praise the Lord, but the plan of God will be fulfilled and it will be a time of terror for all those who have refused the only provision God has given for the salvation of men and that provision is faith in God and Saviour Jesus Christ for the remission of sin and receiving the seal of promise by God’s Holy Spirit for our redemption.