British historian and author Philip Quenby has just finished a five-part documentary to celebrate the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. The series examines Magna Carta and its legacy in politics, science, society, law and warfare. “Magna Carta Unlocked” can be streamed here. Quenby argues that the development of modern civil
Tag: democracy
Did you hear the one about the Marxist who praised religion? Sometimes truth issues from a most unlikely source. Melchizedek, king of Salem, appears as if from nowhere to bless Abraham, patriarch of God’s covenant people (Genesis 14). Balaam, who presents as a pagan priest in some ways, repudiates Israel’s
As ISIS marches through Iraq and Baghdad prepares for battle, the world is asking, “Whence the hard-won gains of intervention by the US and its allies?” The growing crisis presents opportunity for plenty of rumination and reflection; not all of it helpful. Our friend, Bob Osburn, Executive Director at Wilberforce Academy, has
We are happy to forward the following announcement from our colleague, DNA Ideas Shaper, Vishal Mangalwadi. America became the greatest nation on earth because the biblical church and family invented and promoted education that sought Truth – Veritas. On Wednesday and Thursday (Sept 21 & 22) the Christian Television Network (CTN)