The West, as a whole, has developed beyond the rest of the world and in fact has blessed many in other parts of the globe. Notwithstanding its postmodern critics, including professors who love to censure Western civilization, the history of the West has something to teach the rest. While there
Category: Resources
This is post 10 of 10 in the series “Black Lives Matter” Racism and Black Lives Matter: Worldview Reflections The Human Race, Antidote to Racism! Two Forms of Racism Postmodern Racism: Ideological Social Justice What is “Whiteness”? Racism Is in the Human Heart Three Important Distinctions Regarding Racism Hope in
This is post 9 of 10 in the series “Black Lives Matter” Racism and Black Lives Matter: Worldview Reflections The Human Race, Antidote to Racism! Two Forms of Racism Postmodern Racism: Ideological Social Justice What is “Whiteness”? Racism Is in the Human Heart Three Important Distinctions Regarding Racism Hope in
Is money the primary capital investment in a community or nation’s development? What capital is needed for nations and communities to develop? Who is responsible for communities and nations to be lifted out of poverty? The most common answers to these questions in the modern world is the need is
This is post 14 of 18 in the series “classics” Not Every Story is Based in Reality How Homosexuality Became Normal in the West How Evolutionists Explain Poverty Lies Enslave, Truth Transforms Human Evil, Cosmic Consequences NURTURING: The Wonder of Being There Personal God, Personal Creation The Implications of Moral
This is post 3 of 18 in the series “classics” Not Every Story is Based in Reality How Homosexuality Became Normal in the West How Evolutionists Explain Poverty Lies Enslave, Truth Transforms Human Evil, Cosmic Consequences NURTURING: The Wonder of Being There Personal God, Personal Creation The Implications of Moral
It is time to celebrate the global REDUCTION in POVERTY! While in college, I lived in a Mexico City orphanage for six weeks. It was a life-altering experience. My eyes were opened to the plight of people who were poor. I said to the Lord, “When I die, there needs
God invented capital Mark 12:1-12 is a parable about accountability, theft and judgment. It also reveals something about resources. And he began to speak to them in parables. “A man planted a vineyard and put a fence around it and dug a pit for the winepress and built a tower,
Fossil fuels are bad. Green energy is good. That’s upside down, says Andrée Seu Peterson in an outstanding article at World. She addresses some of the same themes we wrote about in What Does God Think About Overpopulation? We are happy to point our readers to this gem from Ms.
Last September we published David Evans’s article, Ten Biblical Principles for Agriculture. This post has generated lots of views, so we want to harness that interest by offering an animated version here. Click the image below (or go here if the image does not appear). David’s full paper is available