Woman, the life giver How many times can you read a passage of Scripture and see what you have never seen before? This has been a pattern throughout my life, going deeper into a familiar passage of Scripture and finding new truths. A simple truth on the surface of a
Category: Compassion
This is post 13 of 23 in the series “Whiteboard animation” New DMF Feature: Whiteboard Animation Core Doctrines of a New Religion … animated version Reconciliation vs. Restoration Wisdom is Better than Knowledge … the animation Is Social Justice About Equality or Equity? … animation version The Meaning of America
A recent post at Breakpoint— From Obergefell to Surrogacy —struck me for how powerfully it points to a lamentable change in our culture and laws, a change motivated by “compassion.” In this case, compassion towards infertile couples. Who of us can argue against being compassionate to a couple who wants to have and care
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Love-Truth Divide” Love-Truth Divide Love-Truth Divide, part 2 During the rise of modernism, the church abandoned the comprehensive, integrative biblical worldview for the limitations and weakness of the Sacred/Secular Divide (SSD) of the Greeks. Our friend and co-worker Scott Allen has
Iraq cemetery destroyed by ISIS, photo by Mstyslav Chernov (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons As we enter 2018, it is fitting to remember that 2017 brought the end of ISIS as a caliphate. The Western media has hardly noticed, as if the carnage and raw evil
People in a locked-in state can have a real life? When it comes to referencing disabilities here in the West our vocabulary has changed. At one time, anyone with a mental illness was labelled “crazy” or “insane.” Those with slower response times were “dim-witted.” A cleft palate was a “hare
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “invisible pain” Less Gay, More Sorrow: Pain Ignored by the MSM The Invisible Pain of a Woman Gay, at one time, was defined as “merry; airy; jovial; sportive; frolicksome” (Webster’s 1828). Today, it connotes something very different. In some ways, the
Love, someone said, makes the world go around. Maybe so. But I know this: sacrificial love makes the kingdom of God appealing to others. Love wins people, sometimes when nothing else will. I have often said that the irreducible minimum of God’s commands is, Love your neighbor as yourself. But
Maybe you’ve seen the reports that—is it Bruce or Caitlyn Jenner—is regretting that famous surgery. (Maybe that’s true, maybe not.) To the degree we are shaped by a biblical worldview, such regret would come as no surprise. When we depart from God’s order, we suffer. More on that metaphysical observation
This is post 9 of 10 in the series “Romans 1” Darrow examines Paul’s text in Romans 1 as it relates to contemporary society Humans Reject the Truth God Put the Invisible in Plain Sight Moral Creator, Moral Creation: Why Atheists Deny God To Reject God is to Dismiss Your