How do truth and belief relate? The question may be more important than you realize. One of the milestones in my life was 1969 in L’Abri, Switzerland. Marilyn and I were studying with the Schaeffers. We were living in the home of Udo and Debbie (Schaeffer) Middelmann. One Sunday evening
Category: Language
What does Abraham Lincoln have to teach us about tolerance? Some years ago I heard a Christian leader relate a conversation he’d had with his son upon his graduation from public high school. “What values were you taught?” he asked the young man. “No values,” was the grad’s initial reply.
The rise of atheistic evolution in the West did not leave our practice of compassion unscathed. Many readers will remember seeing something like this graphic during their public school experience. It’s meant to show the evolution of the horse. But the effects of teaching evolution are far greater than memories of childhood school
by Gary Brumbelow CNN reporter Anderson Cooper recently joined the ranks of those self identifying as what he calls “gay.” His testimony prompts an important question about the interplay of language and culture. The truth is, language and culture are intimately connected. We cannot speak without reflecting the influence of
A new article from Darrow was recently published on The Pearcey Report. The title is “Sarah Palin and Obama Death Panels: Atheistic Ideas Have Unhealthy Consequences.” This article takes a look at the underlying assumptions in the ongoing healthcare debate in the US, including those of political leaders Sarah Palin and Barack
Oikonomia vs. Chrematistics In direct opposition to what those possessing a GCU (Great Commission Utilitarianism) mindset state, God’s ends reveals that human beings are placed on earth for economic purposes: to be the catalysts to allow families, communities and nations to reach their fruition. We see this unfold in the
October 15th, 2009 Extracted from Darrow Miller’s Memoirs during his recent visit to teach in Peru. I have been encouraged and gratified by the numbers of people who have come up to me to say that they have read Discipling Nations or have attended a conference, and about the impact
For the church to be a positive force in creating healthy, prosperous and free societies, it must recover an understanding of the Cultural Mandate found in Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:15. Darrow describes the Cultural Mandate in his new book LifeWork this way: What God made in Genesis chapter 1 was
The following post is the final installment in a six-part series on worldview and work taken from Darrow Miller’s new book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. The modern evangelical church, instead of providing a worldview that will challenge the tragic impoverishment of the animistic and
The following post is fifth in a six-part series on worldview and work taken from Darrow Miller’s new book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. In some developing countries you will find men with very long fingernails on their pinky finger as a sign of