Darrow Miller and Friends

Category: Language

Total 83 Posts

The Protestant Work Ethic

I enjoyed reading “Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? The financial bust reminds us that free markets require a constellation of moral virtues” by Stephen Malanga.  Darrow talks extensively about the Protestant work ethic that can help impoverished peoples understand the biblical worldview that lifts people out of poverty and

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LifeWork Arrival and MondayChurch.org Official Launch!

Finally, Darrow Miller’s new book is available for purchase and immediate shipment! Through August 31st, you have the opportunity to buy this book at a deep discount of $8.95. Anyone who desires the Church’s deeper impact in all areas of society should own, study, and share this book. In addition

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Take the High Road

I can remember times when I was confronted by injustice, my father would challenge me by saying, “Take the high road.” I knew what he was saying. Interestingly, I think that is exactly what Jesus was saying when he spoke about a narrow road that leads to life, but wide

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