The following post is fourth in a six-part series on worldview and work taken from Darrow Miller’s new book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. Billions of people in the developing world are also dying to hear this open invitation from the Creator and Savior
Category: Language
The following blog is the third in a six-part series on worldview and work taken from Darrow Miller’s new book LifeWork: A Biblical Theology for What You Do Every Day. Social critic Os Guinness describes the shift away from a biblical worldview in Western societies as a move from a
I enjoyed reading “Whatever Happened to the Work Ethic? The financial bust reminds us that free markets require a constellation of moral virtues” by Stephen Malanga. Darrow talks extensively about the Protestant work ethic that can help impoverished peoples understand the biblical worldview that lifts people out of poverty and
Finally, Darrow Miller’s new book is available for purchase and immediate shipment! Through August 31st, you have the opportunity to buy this book at a deep discount of $8.95. Anyone who desires the Church’s deeper impact in all areas of society should own, study, and share this book. In addition
In Matthew 11:18-19 and 23:34-36, we find Christ alluding to himself in the voice of wisdom. Like the plaintive cry of wisdom in Proverbs, we hear the lament of Christ, the Perfect Light, as he sits looking over the city of Jerusalem (Matt. 23:37): “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that
In addition to being the greatest teacher of the masses, he also discipled the few. He “hung out” with the twelve disciples for three years, eating with them, praying and worshipping with them, modeling the life of the kingdom of God for them, walking with them, and answering their questions.
The sages from the East spent months, perhaps a year or two, traveling great distances following the star until they found the Perfect Light – Wisdom himself. The Christ child was wisdom incarnate. The baby that the wise men discovered, while being God, was every bit a human child. Like
I can remember times when I was confronted by injustice, my father would challenge me by saying, “Take the high road.” I knew what he was saying. Interestingly, I think that is exactly what Jesus was saying when he spoke about a narrow road that leads to life, but wide
The word “retirement,” like the word “divorce,” has never been part of my vocabulary. My sense has been that if we are in the King’s service–if the backdrop of our lives is the coming of the kingdom of God–then retirement is simply not a Christian concept. We can speak of
We live in a space and time universe. In any season of life we occupy both space, the place where we are standing, and time, the second on the watch, the moment in time. In my life, it has been far easier to occupy space than to occupy time. I