This is post 22 of 23 in the series “Whiteboard animation” New DMF Feature: Whiteboard Animation Core Doctrines of a New Religion … animated version Reconciliation vs. Restoration Wisdom is Better than Knowledge … the animation Is Social Justice About Equality or Equity? … animation version The Meaning of America
Category: Atheism
This is post 1 of 3 in the series “new fascists” The New Fascism: Tolerance That Leads to Tyranny The New Fascists Use Words As Weapons New Fascists: Bullies Attacking the Family A new fascism is on the rise in the West. A pluralistic framework will not create a pluralistic
We are living in a time when the implications of the worldview shift from modernism to postmodernism are becoming evident in daily life. What are the ideological roots driving postmodernism? Judeo-Christian Theism replaced ancient pagan ideologies and led to the rise of Western civilization. This was the premodern era; people
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “guns” Guns Have Not Changed Guns vs. Scalpels: Which Kills More Children? GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida has become famous. Seventeen students and adults were killed by a crazed gunman using a semi-automatic weapon. This was not
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “race relations” Why Are Race Relations Deteriorating in America? A Tale of Two Worldviews Why Are Race Relations Deteriorating in America A Tale of Two Worldviews, part 2 There can be no doubt that race relations in America have deteriorated in
Darwin is dead, and so is Darwinism. One little organism demonstrates it. Charles Darwin thought that all of life descended from a common origin through a process of “natural selection,” aka survival of the fittest. In 1856 Darwin wrote to his friend Asa Gray that there were only two possibilities
Last week, Everett Piper wrote a prophetic piece in the Washington Times on the current flood of sexual assault allegations making headlines daily. His comment about what’s behind this torrent hits the nail on the head. Ideas always have consequences and lecherous behavior will always be the inevitable consequence of
This is post 12 of 12 in the series “toxic new religion” The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage The Tyranny of Feelings: Yale as a Microcosm for a Troubling Trend Whose Dictionary Do We Use? How the New Religion Advances by Redefining Words Whose Dictionary Do We Use? How the
This is post 11 of 12 in the series “toxic new religion” The Cultural Roots of Campus Rage The Tyranny of Feelings: Yale as a Microcosm for a Troubling Trend Whose Dictionary Do We Use? How the New Religion Advances by Redefining Words Whose Dictionary Do We Use? How the
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “guilty conscience” Guilty Conscience? Slander a Christian Why We Should Salute Mike Pence Mike and Karen Pence, photo by Gage Skidmore “To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds