Bob Moffitt, fellow co-founder of the Disciple Nations Alliance, and I have been teaching within Youth With A Mission (YWAM) circles since about 1987. For many years, as I would travel and facilitate the Worldview and Development Workshop, people would say “You must know Landa Cope!” I would respond “No!
Tag: biblical worldview
New from Vishal Mangalwadi. This is what we teach in the ABCs of Culture. The cancer at the heart of America’s political economy is cultural. This great nation was built by an ethic – a spirituality that taught citizens to work, earn, save, invest, and use their wealth to serve
Be sure to tune in this Friday, September 17, at 1:30PM EST as Darrow will be interviewed by John Rabe of Coral Ridge Ministries. You can catch the interview online by visiting GraceFM Radio’s website and following the instructions to “Listen Now” at the top right of the page. John
“I get the feeling that if people aren’t ‘Christian – believers in Jesus’ they won’t fit into the Palau plan.” Thus did the director of an “Interfaith Shelter Network for families with children” object to the Season of Service program sponsored by the Luis Palau Evangelistic Association (LPEA). The criticism seems
In his remarkable book, Truth and Transformation, native Indian Vishal Mangalwadi writes about visiting a dairy in Holland. I had never seen such a dairy! It had a hundred cows, there were no staff on site, and it seemed amazingly clean and orderly. In India we had a small dairy
“I killed my daughter.” Toronto taxi-driver Muhammad Parvez, 60, had just strangled his 16-year-old daughter, Aqsa. So he dialed 911 and reported. Nobody could accuse him of hiding his crime. Maybe no one was surprised when, last week in court, he pleaded guilty to the 2007 murder. People often claim
In my last entry, I mentioned the Latin phrase “Coram Deo,” which means “before the face of God.” All of life is to be lived before the face of God and to His glory. There is no higher, no lower—no sacred, no secular. God is Lord of all. What does this look like
The 15th century European reformers had a motto that reminded them, in a very practical way, of God’s comprehensive concern for all areas of life and all spheres of society. The phrase was “coram Deo” which means “before the face of God.” All of life is to be lived before
A real problem for many in the Church today is a tendency to divide the world into mutually exclusive compartments. One component is labeled “sacred” and has to do with the spiritual life. Everything else goes into a “secular” category. For those who hold this divided view of reality, the consequences are profound.
Some have asked me what books on worldview have been most helpful to me. Those by my late mentor, Francis Schaeffer, helped me to get on the road to thinking worldviewishly–particularly his trilogy Escape from Reason, The God Who Is There, and He Is There and He is Not Silent. Two