This is post 2 of 2 in the series “guilty conscience” Guilty Conscience? Slander a Christian Why We Should Salute Mike Pence Mike and Karen Pence, photo by Gage Skidmore “To the pure, all things are pure, but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure; but both their minds
Tag: Christian
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “guilty conscience” Guilty Conscience? Slander a Christian Why We Should Salute Mike Pence In the West, we have a new coping mechanism for a guilty conscience. Just slander those who disagree with you. When anyone attempts to speak, even with courtesy,
This is post 4 of 4 in the series “theology of suffering” Persecution of Christians Reaching Unprecedented Levels Jesus Was a Refugee, Too ISIS and Nero: Persecution of Christians Pagan Persecution of Christians: In Peter’s Day and Ours Pagan influences are driving much of the persecution of Christian today just
If you regularly read Darrow Miller and Friends, you may have noticed that I have a heart for Christians in the arts. Especially I want to encourage young artists. I aspire to be a clarion call to raise up artists as balladeers to speak prophetically to culture. My post A
Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. With his permission we are reprinting here a recent message he sent to his mailing list. One hundred years ago, Rabindra Nath Tagore became the first Indian to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his poems,
Years ago my son brought home a note from school informing us that his teacher would be doing a unit on sex education. So I met with the teacher. Among other concerns, I wanted to know what values guided her approach to the subject. Her answer was meant to reassure
The Great Commission calls every Christian to advance the gospel of the kingdom, in love. We are to see the people around us as humans made in the image of God. Are they sinful and fallen? Yes. And they are precious to Jesus Christ. Each of us is to see
What army would leave the vast majority of its soldiers in the barracks while going into battle? In one sense, that’s exactly what the church has done. We have gone to war with only a fraction of our soldiers mobilized. We’ve relegated the work of discipling the nations to pastors, missionaries, and
Dualism, not atheism, may be the bigger threat to Christian students in the public school classroom. Many people seem to think that, while instruction based in any organized religion is unacceptable indoctrination, the precepts of materialist atheism (the worldview of choice in most public-school classrooms) are evenhanded, clinical, non-partisan facts.
Over the years, many people have asked me, What does it mean to be a Christian at work? How does a Christian to function in the market place? I always answer that it depends on your worldview. Many Christians function in their work from an Atheist/Materialist worldview. As the graphic