At the Disciple Nations Alliance, we often remind people that the Great Commission actually reads “… disciple all nations” (Matthew 28:19). That’s what Jesus said. But people often ask us, “Can anyone really disciple a nation? Can a country really be transformed?” So we are always looking for case studies of
Tag: disciple
Total 3 Posts
At a recent Harvest Foundation staff meeting we discussed the end purpose of Jesus’ Great Commission: discipling nations. Even though we know this, it is too easy to overlook the macro implications. We don’t always “connect the dots” between the discipleship of individuals and the discipleship of nations. Christian discipleship has two
View our Newsletter in the original format here. What’s Happening! Affiliate Spotlight: Transforming Nations Alliance Model Church Profile: Watoto Church, Kampala Uganda Reserve your Kingdom Lifestyle Series in Spanish! “Disciple Nations” is now on Twitter! Colson Center Library Highlights DNA Downloads Darrow Shares about his Teaching in Peru this October