Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Evolution

Total 11 Posts

Bestiality: the Logical Extension of Evolutionism

As Dr. Ben Carson recently implied, bestiality is on a spectrum with homosexuality. Why? Because both are the natural fruit of evolutionism. Australian moral philosopher and Princeton Bioethicist Dr. Peter Singer fully understands the implications of evolutionary ideology. Because evolution has replaced the biblical worldview in the West, human life

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Ideas Have Consequences … A Columbus Day Reflection

Per the subtitle of this blog, we believe that truth has the power to transform culture. That’s why, a few weeks ago, we highlighted Dr. Marvin Olasky’s challenging piece Darwin Matters: The Influence of Evolutionary Thinking Far Beyond Biology. This week we want to point to something from Chuck Colson’s

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Darwin Still Matters

In 1859 English Naturalist Charles Darwin published his paradigm shifting, world changing book, On The Origin of Species. Darwin argued that the theory of evolution provides an explanation for how life could evolve from natural causes. Academics and humanists, already atheistic for moral reasons, now had a metaphysical theory that could

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Stephen Hawking Hits the Ceiling

British scientist Steven Hawking is reported to have recently said that heaven is “a fairy story” for people afraid of the dark. As those who believe in heaven, we can either respond with indignation, or we can engage the discussion thoughtfully with transformed minds (Romans 12:2). And when we do, we see

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A Prosperous & Happy Society, Created by Individuals & Institutions, 4/4

Avoiding “The Europe Syndrome” In my last two blogs, we looked at the essential roles of families, churches and civil government in fostering healthy societies, and how socialist and communist states are defined by the encroachment of the civil government into the roles of both families and churches. The result

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