Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Freedom

Total 52 Posts

Into Freedom or Bondage … Which Way the West?

Many Western societies, though founded on biblical worldview and principles, are now considered post-Christian. Europe is utterly atheistic; the United States is following suit. Sadly, the modern West lives in the present. Many Christians today function from near memory. They unconsciously operate from biblical principles, but make no connection between

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Ideas Have Consequences … A Columbus Day Reflection

Per the subtitle of this blog, we believe that truth has the power to transform culture. That’s why, a few weeks ago, we highlighted Dr. Marvin Olasky’s challenging piece Darwin Matters: The Influence of Evolutionary Thinking Far Beyond Biology. This week we want to point to something from Chuck Colson’s

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The Power of a Pencil

Where do we find the resources for the development of communities and nations? Our answer will reveal which economic model we embrace. The Atheistic-Materialistic model assumes that human beings are fundamentally animals who consume resources. Resources, in this model, are material things that lie in the ground and thus, by definition,

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The Freedom of Truth, The Slavery of Lies

Dr. Bernard Nathanson was an abortionist who later became a pro-life champion. His recent death comprises an opportunity to reflect on the contrast between self-authenticating truth vs. lies that enslave and impoverish. Dr. Robert George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence  at Princeton University, a Senior Fellow at  The Witherspoon Institute, and a co-author (with Dr.

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