India isn’t famous for cleanliness … but keep reading! A number of years ago I was facilitating a conference in Africa for young leaders. The week’s lessons included small group Bible studies around vocational themes. During the feedback time I asked the group, “What did you learn from the Bible
Tag: India
Darrow Miller and Friends is a big fan of Christian artists. That flows from the Cultural Mandate of Genesis 1:26-28 and 2:15. Darrow writes about this concept in his book, LifeWork. What God made in Genesis chapter 1 was perfect, but it was not finished yet. God is the primary Creator; humankind,
Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. With his permission we are reprinting here a recent message he sent to his mailing list. One hundred years ago, Rabindra Nath Tagore became the first Indian to be awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature for his poems,
One of the people who most influenced the writing of my first book, Discipling Nations, was my Indian friend, Vishal Mangalwadi. Vishal, founder of The Revelation Movement, is an international lecturer, social reformer, cultural and political columnist, philosopher, and author. Vishal and his wife, Ruth, wrote The Legacy of William Carey,
This is post 2 of 2 in the series “Why India corrupt” Why Is India So Corrupt? Part I Why is India Corrupt? part II Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. We are happy to offer here, in two installments, the introduction to his
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Why India corrupt” Why Is India So Corrupt? Part I Why is India Corrupt? part II Indian scholar, author, and speaker, Vishal Mangalwadi is one of DNA’s Idea Shapers. We are happy to offer here, in two installments, the introduction to his
by Gary Brumbelow If more 21st-century missionary efforts were like that of William Carey, the father of modern missions whose 250th birthday was marked in August, what a difference we might see in our progress of fulfilling Jesus’ command to “make disciples of all nations.” Of course asking a missionary
In a recent Associated Press article, Despite Economic Growth, India Lets Its Girls Die, Muneeza Naqvi tells the story of how Indian society allows baby girls to die from neglect and starvation. Despite laws against such things as sex-selective abortions and growing economic power, India continues its war against women
As Europe and America have become post Christian, they have turned to Modernism – Secularism. As they have come to experience the spiritual void of Atheistic-Materialism, they become Post-Modern. And what is Post-Modernism? Unfortunately, there has not been a return to Christ and the powerful Judeo-Christian worldview that was at