Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: marriage

Total 26 Posts

An EMERGING AGENDA of the “Marriage Equality” Promoters

What’s the “marriage equality” debate really about? The current docket of the US Supreme Court includes two high-profile cases dealing with marriage: the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8. A few fundamentalist secularists–the radical fringe of the “LGBT” community–want to use political force and intimidation to rewrite centuries-old codes

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Father Matters

Kudos to Marvin Olasky for his recent post at Townhall affirming that the numbers bear out the truth that one essential part of welfare reform is marriage. New York Times welfare specialist Jason DeParle said the “biggest surprise” to him as he wrote about poor communities was “just how much yearning

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Must Read: Manhattan Declaration

This just in. You may want to consider supporting this effort with your signature. Today a group of prominent Christian clergy, ministry leaders and scholars released the Manhattan Declaration, which addresses the sanctity of life, traditional marriage and religious liberty.  The 4,700-word declaration issues a clarion call to Christians to

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