What part does discipleship play in the Great Commission? What should be the goal of the church? What is Jesus’ priority in terms of the church’s task? Many evangelicals would answer using the word “evangelism.” That was clearly Jesus’ passion, after all. But DNA co-founder, Dr. Bob Moffitt, suggests this
Tag: Mission
At Christmas we celebrate the birth of God’s Messiah, His gift to Israel and to the world. As a young Christian interested in missions I came across books authored by a Canadian missionary named Don Richardson. Richardson lived among animistic tribal people in Western New Guinea in the nation of
by Bob Moffitt The youth in a church in Central America wanted to provide a day care for their community. They knew that single mothers, with no place to leave their children to find work, were prostituting themselves in their homes in order to feed their children. With the encouragement
I received the following paper from a friend and mission leader with many years of experience. As I read I was challenged, not over whether to measure, but what we measure, and why. As the leader of Harvest, a global mission supported by prayer and financial partners, I have made
On Wednesday you have opportunity to hear a key global leader of DNA. Chris Ampadu is West Africa Coordinator for Samaritan Strategy Africa, a DNA affiliate. Chris, who travels and teaches internationally from his home in Ghana, has served on the Global Leadership Team of Disciple Nations Alliance and remains
Today there are more churches in the world than ever, and yet more brokenness, poverty, corruption, and despair. Why? In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus gives his marching orders to the Church: make disciples of all nations! Today, the Church has largely misunderstood this task with tragic consequences. For many, “making disciples
Earth, we have a question! The members of the DNA Team Blog were overwhelmed by the response to the blog Gendercide: The War Against Baby Girls. We have been blogging now for a year and a half and we have never had a response like this to our writing. Why?
View our Newsletter in the original format here. What’s Happening! Affiliate Spotlight: Transforming Nations Alliance Model Church Profile: Watoto Church, Kampala Uganda Reserve your Kingdom Lifestyle Series in Spanish! “Disciple Nations” is now on Twitter! Colson Center Library Highlights DNA Downloads Darrow Shares about his Teaching in Peru this October
October 15th, 2009 Extracted from Darrow Miller’s Memoirs during his recent visit to teach in Peru. I have been encouraged and gratified by the numbers of people who have come up to me to say that they have read Discipling Nations or have attended a conference, and about the impact
One ministry that learned of our work has started to send me their periodic updates via email. When I received this newsletter, I wanted to share and highlight what they have been learning and the impact they’re having on the world around them with you. At Romanian Orphan Ministries, they