This is post 2 of 2 in the series “moral precedes legal” To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral, part 2 A society does not end slavery, racism, or sexism merely by writing
Tag: moral
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “moral precedes legal” To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral To Disciple the Culture, the MORAL Must Precede the Legal and Behavioral, part 2 How does one end moral evils like slavery, racism, or sexism? First,
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “guilty conscience” Guilty Conscience? Slander a Christian Why We Should Salute Mike Pence In the West, we have a new coping mechanism for a guilty conscience. Just slander those who disagree with you. When anyone attempts to speak, even with courtesy,
This is post 7 of 10 in the series “Romans 1” Darrow examines Paul’s text in Romans 1 as it relates to contemporary society Humans Reject the Truth God Put the Invisible in Plain Sight Moral Creator, Moral Creation: Why Atheists Deny God To Reject God is to Dismiss Your
This is post 3 of 10 in the series “Romans 1” Darrow examines Paul’s text in Romans 1 as it relates to contemporary society Humans Reject the Truth God Put the Invisible in Plain Sight Moral Creator, Moral Creation: Why Atheists Deny God To Reject God is to Dismiss Your
This is post 1 of 10 in the series “Romans 1” Darrow examines Paul’s text in Romans 1 as it relates to contemporary society Humans Reject the Truth God Put the Invisible in Plain Sight Moral Creator, Moral Creation: Why Atheists Deny God To Reject God is to Dismiss Your
What does Abraham Lincoln have to teach us about tolerance? Some years ago I heard a Christian leader relate a conversation he’d had with his son upon his graduation from public high school. “What values were you taught?” he asked the young man. “No values,” was the grad’s initial reply.
My heart has been broken, as have so many hearts in America and around the world, at the unspeakable murder of twenty children and seven adults at the Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Words cannot describe the horror. How do we process such evil? What kind of culture
[The following post, refreshed from its original publication, is highly relevant to the current political-economic environment.] The global economic crisis is, at its root, a moral and metaphysical crisis. Our economic principles and polices are founded on assumptions which are either theistic or atheistic. One set of assumptions fits reality the