What happens when a generation of young people fail to marry and have children? Not only does life diminish for them, but to the degree this develops as a pattern, the society will become self-absorbed and die from within. In reality, half the world’s countries have a fertility rate below
Tag: overpopulation
This is post 8 of 23 in the series “Whiteboard animation” New DMF Feature: Whiteboard Animation Core Doctrines of a New Religion … animated version Reconciliation vs. Restoration Wisdom is Better than Knowledge … the animation Is Social Justice About Equality or Equity? … animation version The Meaning of America
Overpopulation is often used to describe places like India. Any Westerner visiting India for the first time is struck with the teeming masses of humanity, a seemingly endless sea of people wherever you look. My Indian host, a seminary grad and one of the most gifted Christian leaders I’ve ever
“If we all saw the harm we were doing by having children and put a stop to it, within a century or so the world’s population would drop to zero.” So writes Elizabeth Kolbert in The New Yorker, arguing in favor of a zero-population world. Referring to the book, Better Never
Last Wednesday, James J. Lee’s concern about overpopulation cost him his life. Police snipers killed him to save the lives of three hostages he was holding. He was demanding that the Discovery Channel air messages “curbing the planet’s population growth, finding solutions for global warming and dismantling ‘the dangerous US world