Sometimes renewal comes by backing up. The most successful movie of 1985 was Steven Spielberg’s Back To The Future. The science fiction adventure comedy film reminded us that there are times when you have to move back to go forward. Renewal requires a return. Sometimes nations seem frozen in time,
Tag: Reform
Total 3 Posts
A new article from Darrow was recently published on The Pearcey Report. The title is “Sarah Palin and Obama Death Panels: Atheistic Ideas Have Unhealthy Consequences.” This article takes a look at the underlying assumptions in the ongoing healthcare debate in the US, including those of political leaders Sarah Palin and Barack
During my senior year of college I sensed God’s call to work with the poor. I attended the Urbana missions conference that year (1987), and while there applied (and was later accepted) to serve overseas with Food for the Hungry. Sometime during the spring of 1988, I met with the