Fossil fuels are bad. Green energy is good. That’s upside down, says Andrée Seu Peterson in an outstanding article at World. She addresses some of the same themes we wrote about in What Does God Think About Overpopulation? We are happy to point our readers to this gem from Ms.
Tag: Resources
Jesus feeds the multitude, as painted by Giovanni Lanfranco God’s word is wonderful. Over the years I have come to see that it is inexhaustible in its breadth (it is the “owner’s manual”) and its depth (you can read the same passage hundreds of times over the years and always
Where do we find the resources for the development of communities and nations? Our answer will reveal which economic model we embrace. The Atheistic-Materialistic model assumes that human beings are fundamentally animals who consume resources. Resources, in this model, are material things that lie in the ground and thus, by definition,
[The following post, refreshed from its original publication, is highly relevant to the current political-economic environment.] The global economic crisis is, at its root, a moral and metaphysical crisis. Our economic principles and polices are founded on assumptions which are either theistic or atheistic. One set of assumptions fits reality the
Click here to watch a 5 minute inspirational video clip. This young man–born with no arms and no legs–could have believed that he could not enjoy life, but he chose to believe differently and has enjoyed the fruit of his decision. Many people today will still choose to believe that
The other day my good friend from Malaysia, Seelok Ting, sent me an article from Matthew Parris in TIMESONLINE. The title of the article is As an atheist, I truly believe Africa needs God: Missionaries, not aid money, are the solution to Africa’s biggest problem – the crushing passivity of
There are three primary options of governance: license, tyranny and freedom. License is what some people in the West mean by “freedom.” Freedom, in an Atheistic framework, is defined as the ability to do what one pleases. People do what “feels good,” they follow their noses. This concept means that