Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: same sex marriage

Total 19 Posts

Even Darwin Had His Doubts

Charles Darwin would probably be surprised by today’s claims of “settled science.” In Canada the issue of so-called same-sex “marriage” is “settled” and any questioning is considered “hate speech,” putting a damper on the freedom of speech. (For the story on this see Same-Sex Marriage Ten Years On: Lessons from Canada.)

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An EMERGING AGENDA of the “Marriage Equality” Promoters

What’s the “marriage equality” debate really about? The current docket of the US Supreme Court includes two high-profile cases dealing with marriage: the Defense of Marriage Act and California’s Proposition 8. A few fundamentalist secularists–the radical fringe of the “LGBT” community–want to use political force and intimidation to rewrite centuries-old codes

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The Book that Made Your World

Our good friend Vishal Mangalwadi recently released his latest, and arguably most significant book to date: The Book That Made Your World: How the Bible Created the Soul of Western Civiliation. We feel so strongly about the book that we purchased a case just so we could make them available to friends

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