Darrow Miller and Friends

Tag: Western society

Total 41 Posts

Christ the Knight

This is post 8 of 8 in the series “Understanding the Times and the Seasons” Understanding the Times and Seasons Gothic Images from Today’s Culture The Three Worlds of Evangelicalism The Need for Symbols The Wilderness Evil Dwells in the Wilderness The Habitation of the Demonic (includes audio and video

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Into Freedom or Bondage … Which Way the West?

Many Western societies, though founded on biblical worldview and principles, are now considered post-Christian. Europe is utterly atheistic; the United States is following suit. Sadly, the modern West lives in the present. Many Christians today function from near memory. They unconsciously operate from biblical principles, but make no connection between

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Why Do They Hate Us?

Anymore, it’s news when Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad speaks in public without pledging to destroy the West. In May, at a nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty gathering he made clear reference to the United States in calling for the punishment of any threat to use nuclear weapons or attack against peaceful nuclear facilities.

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Worldview and Theology

I had a stimulating discussion last week with the leadership of the Desiring God International Outreach ministry.  During the course of our conversation, they asked for my opinion on the distinction between worldview and theology. The by-line of the international outreach ministry is “Theological Famine Relief for the Global Church.”

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