Three days in Hong Kong featured a glimpse into the realm of true transformation as over one hundred fifty participants from around the world gathered to share their experiences. Hein VanWyk from South Africa opened the 2009 DNA (Disciple Nations Alliance) Forum by focusing on the divine movement from brokenness to redemption and introducing the theme of “Mirroring His Image.” It was this sense of reflecting the glory of God in transformed human relationships that was expressed in story after story throughout the week.
This was the first Forum to be conducted outside the United States, with the majority of attendees from Asia. It was also the first DNA forum to be coordinated by the DNA global leadership team of Dennis Tongoi, Cleiton Oliviera, Ben Wong, Bob Moffitt, Darrow Miller, Scott Allen, and Hein VanWyk.
The Forum opened with a time of prayer, fasting, and communion led by Bob Moffitt, who later presented the evening message titled “Our Target, God’s Glory.”
Leaders from DNA affiliates in the Philippines, Nepal, Japan, Canada, and Africa attended as well as from DNA partner organizations Harvest, Food for the Hungry, ReachGlobal (the Evangelical Free Church Mission), the Christian Reformed World Mission, HISG and Partners International.
There was a genuine spirit of excitement amongst the delegates—a palpable sense that God is at work amongst us doing something special to advance His Kingdom. While the excitement was real, we were also reminded that the Kingdom advances at great cost. On the second day of the Forum a delegate from Pakistan, Iftikar, received word that some of his family members were murdered during an evangelistic outreach by the Taliban. We gathered around Iftikar in prayer before he left. Please remember this brother and the nation of Pakistan as you pray.
Times of sharing and testimonies were the highlight of the week for most delegates. A particularly memorable testimony was shared by a Philippine church doing courageous wholistic ministry with significant impact in Mindanao, the main southern island of the Philippines and a stronghold of radical Islam. Other powerful testimonies were shared by delegates from Barbados, Japan, Korea, Myanmar, Vietnam and many more. After each testimony, we gathered around those that shared and prayed. It was a very special time.
Delegates also appreciated times to meet in regional groups, strengthen relationships, and discuss ways of working together more effectively.
Worship was led by a gifted duo of musicians, Mark Riley from Hawaii and Martin Neil from the UK, who very creatively incorporated stringed instruments, drums, and flutes from many nations. We also enjoyed times of worship led by a local Chinese church and by the delegates from Africa.
The next DNA Forum is tentatively scheduled for May 2011. You may click here to see the power point presentations, hear the recordings, click on photo galleries, and more from this past Forum. Thanks so much to the Hong Kong team for making this available!
-Scott Allen
Rev.Dr.Jeyachandran Inbaraj
September 18, 2014 - 7:10 amAfter attending the Global DNA Hong Kong Forum in May 2009, I have been a follower of DNA. I am promoting and “mirroring His image” till now the mission and work of DNA in my native land among the pluralistic communities where prevailing casteism, poverty and anti- religious political situation.
September 18, 2014 - 5:00 pmThank you very much for your comment, Rev. Inbaraj. May God’s blessings be multiplied on you and your service to Jesus Christ.
Gary Brumbelow
Rev.Dr.Jeyachandran Inbaraj
September 19, 2014 - 7:49 amI am very much interested to attend the DNA Global Forum to be held in England from March 9-13, 2015. Kindly pray for me and my ministry
Rev.Dr. Jeya