Darrow Miller and Friends

Hand That Rocks the Cradle, part 2 of 4

‘Pregnant Man’ Gives Birth to Girl!

Remember that 2008 headline?

The birth mom was a (surgically adjusted) woman, of course. As every kindergartener knows, only women bear children.

Graphic by Salvatore Vuono at freedigitalphotos.net

“I feel it’s not a male or female desire to have a child. It’s a human need. I’m a person and I have the right to have a biological child,” she was quoted.

This story is one of the more compelling examples of the gender confusion in today’s world, the androgyny that seeks to deny distinctions between the sexes.

Where does such thinking come from? What does it mean that we are witnessing such disorientation?

Darrow Miller addresses these and related questions in Part 2 of The Hand That Rocks The Cradle Rules the World, presented at the Wilberforce Academy where Darrow summarized his book, Nurturing the Nations: Proclaiming the Dignity of Women in Building Healthy Cultures.

Go here to hear Darrow talk about:

  • Third-wave feminism.
  • The Monistic worldview of  Hinduism.
  • The gradual disappearance of transcendant sexuality, maleness and femaleness.
  • What happens when language changes, such as from the “sacredness of life” to the “quality of life,” or from “baby” to “product of conception.”
  • The effects of redefining terms, especially the redefinition of marriage.
  • The war against women as a war against motherhood as pictured in the story of Ann Crittenden.

– Gary Brumbelow

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Gary is the Disciple Nations Alliance editorial manager. He manages Darrow Miller and Friends and serves as editor and co-writer on various book projects. For eight years Gary served as a cross-cultural church planting missionary among First Nations people of Canada. His career also includes 14 years as executive director of InterAct Ministries, an Oregon-based church-planting organization in Canada, Alaska, and Siberia. Gary is a graduate of Grace University, earned an MA from Wheaton College and a Graduate Studies Diploma from Western Seminary. He lives near Portland, Oregon with his wife, Valerie. They have two married sons and twelve grandchildren. In addition to his work with the DNA, Gary serves as the pastor of Troutdale Community Church.