Francis Schaeffer, among others, called attention to the first two chapters of Genesis, where we get our initial look at many realities we have come to take for granted, all these generations later: the unlikely capacity of a seed to multiply, the latent power of ordinary dirt to support growth, the inescapable creation laws that govern life. Here’s one more: the fundamental concept of human capital.
The ability of humans to convert raw materials into resources, to invent, to build wealth for the blessing of families and societies … these themes are often touted by the Disciple Nations Alliance and by this blog. (See here and here and here, for example.)
The DNA has been writing and teaching on these themes for twenty years. More recently, others have joined the guild. For example, the Okonomia Network which currently includes 21 evangelical training institutions such as Asbury Theological Seminary, Biola University, Dallas Theological Seminary, Fuller Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. These schools are “helping pastors equip people for whole-life discipleship, fruitful work and economic wisdom.”
Here at the DNA, to promote this school of thought, we offer live trainings, the online Coram Deo program, books, videos and a biannual global forum. Of course, this blog—Darrow Miller and Friends—is another avenue for the dissemination of these creation truths.
Recently, we came across another vehicle with the same message but in a format designed for younger people. I confess I’m not a consumer of super hero films. But lots of people in their teens, twenties and even thirties follow the genre.
A new production about creation laws
Foundation for Economic Education “focuses on introducing freedom as a life philosophy to newcomers in the youth audience, striving to bring about a world in which the economic, ethical, and legal principles of a free society are familiar and credible to the rising generation.” This group is producing video series that address the above creation themes in a way that captures the attention of that “youth audience.” The video below is one example.
We encourage you to view it and pass it along to some of that “youth audience” who are part of your network.
(Go here if the video does not show.)
- Gary Brumbelow