Darrow Miller and Friends

Category: Science

Total 48 Posts

Climate Change: The Atheists’ Denial

Climate change is settled? Really? Have you noticed how many things are “settled” today? The discussion on so-called same-sex marriage: “settled” Darwinism as science: “settled” Abortion as social policy: “settled” Global warming (or is it global climate change) as science: “settled” When something is “settled” it means that “everyone agrees”

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Even Darwin Had His Doubts

Charles Darwin would probably be surprised by today’s claims of “settled science.” In Canada the issue of so-called same-sex “marriage” is “settled” and any questioning is considered “hate speech,” putting a damper on the freedom of speech. (For the story on this see Same-Sex Marriage Ten Years On: Lessons from Canada.)

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Take It From the Darwinists: “We Deliberately Ignore the Evidence”

Darwinists have multiple labels for their belief system: naturalism, materialism, reductionism, atheism, secularism, humanism. But call it what you will, the theory has two fatal flaws: the lack of evidence for macro-evolution, and overwhelming evidence of design. As for the first, two big evidence gaps confront proponents of macro-evolution. There

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Brave New World: Ideology Trumps Science Regarding Human Life

For years abortion supporters argued that the science supported their cause, that pro-lifers were functioning only from “religious convictions.” But recent developments in biology support the pro-life argument that science and theology are not in conflict. In fact, the science is so strong that the pro-abortion crowd has lost whatever

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Darwin Still Matters

In 1859 English Naturalist Charles Darwin published his paradigm shifting, world changing book, On The Origin of Species. Darwin argued that the theory of evolution provides an explanation for how life could evolve from natural causes. Academics and humanists, already atheistic for moral reasons, now had a metaphysical theory that could

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Stephen Hawking Hits the Ceiling

British scientist Steven Hawking is reported to have recently said that heaven is “a fairy story” for people afraid of the dark. As those who believe in heaven, we can either respond with indignation, or we can engage the discussion thoughtfully with transformed minds (Romans 12:2). And when we do, we see

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