This is post 4 of 4 in the series “corruption” What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? What’s the Big Deal About Corruption? part 2 You Can Stop Corruption! Resist Corruption, Serve the Kingdom of Heaven Your calling – serve the kingdom of heaven Vishal Mangalwadi asks, “Did Jesus ask us
Category: Kingdom
This is post 1 of 2 in the series “Spurgeon” Charles Spurgeon Can Teach Us About Wholism Social Justice Warriors in Spurgeon’s Day Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) Today’s evangelicalism derives from the fundamentalist movement, born around 1900 in reaction to liberal modernism, which had been influenced by Darwin’s new theory
This is post 8 of 10 in the series “wisdom” Wisdom book preview Poverty: The Fruit of Neglected Wisdom What Wisdom Has to Do with Wealth Creation Laws: Wisdom Sustains the Universe Wisdom Sustains the Universe Through Human Obedience Wisdom is Better Than Knowledge Wisdom: The False and the True
Students Need to Know Why They Know What They Know John Calvin. The name evokes images of esoteric theological discussions in medieval European churches. But did you know that Calvin helped his hometown (Geneva, Switzerland) smell better? And that wasn’t the casual result of some marginal avocation. No, Calvin regarded the olfactory to
This Frank and Ernest cartoon captures my aspiration for the Darrow Miller and Friends blog. The chick escapes the confines of its shell to experience the broader world for the first time: “Oh Wow! Paradigm Shift!” I want my readers to experience reality like this chick did. Years ago, after
In my morning devotions recently I came across a beautiful phrase, the “womb of the dawn.” There is something beautiful and clarion about these words. If I were a poet, which I am not, I would write a poem with this as the title. The phrase is found in a
God made humankind to be culture makers, and it matters a great deal what kind of culture we create. Whatever our vocation, whatever domain we are called to, as Christians our work is ultimately to create kingdom culture—culture that reflects the true nature and character of God. Our charge as
This is post 3 of 10 in the series “wisdom” Wisdom book preview Poverty: The Fruit of Neglected Wisdom What Wisdom Has to Do with Wealth Creation Laws: Wisdom Sustains the Universe Wisdom Sustains the Universe Through Human Obedience Wisdom is Better Than Knowledge Wisdom: The False and the True
We rarely hear a theology of suffering today. What we are hearing more often is a theology of comfort. “Come to Christ and you will be blessed!” “Pray and God will give you a new car!” “Give God $10 and He will give you $100 back!” The prosperity gospel is not the true
Most likely you have seen an iPad. Maybe you own an Ipad. In any case, the iPad is a ubiquitous demonstration of the biblical principle of vocation as calling. Imagine the massive cultural renewal that would result if every Christian really understood that their work, their vocation, was a calling